It's not 10x more maintenance. In general, don't get any rc car if you aren't slightly mechanically inclined and willing to turn screws. Electric will require knowledge and upkeeping of batteries and charging. putting them in storage mode etc... A nitro will require keeping engine lubricated during storage and keeping fuel out of carb/engine. Tuning is not what most people describe it as. It takes very slight adjustments as needed. Electric motors and ESC are very finacky. You need to be well skilled in soldering connections properly. I found electronics much more annoying to troubleshoot. Dealing with programming etc... Nitros are all mechanical when it comes to issues. Once you learn the basics, there are clear reasons why you may have trouble starting an engine, or issues with the drive gear. I find it more satisfying to work on and more rewarding when working. Adjusting little things to have the car behave differently and get more power/speed. With electric you can change the gearing or put a different battery pack. Changing both of these usually lead to engine/esc overheating and seizing or fires. Nitros you can change many things from fuel type, exhaust/header, carbs and carb adjustment, gearing, upgrading crankshafts/bearings.
OMG Kev! I gotta go old school and pick the grave digger. It's just so big loud and obnoxious. That one air you pulled off in the skatepark where you got inverted and then brought it back down was soooo sick. The slowmo of that super jump into the grass was epic too. Imagine how high that would have been scaled up to monster truck size? It would have to be like a ten to 15 story jump!! When you stuffed the front end on landing in slow mo it looked like someone breaking their ankle😅😂
You should have flipped the servo then shortened thr servo arm.. Thanks for the channel btw. Big thanks. Your channel made me buy my son an rc car for christmas .😊 He was watching my youtubes.😂
Well, if you properly maintain the gas one, it's no diff than a lawnmower. The ISSUE is they are so small, the carbs etc are prone to clogging, and they are more sensitive to atmospheric pressure etc which is why all cars are EFI now. The computer measures how much air is going in, how dense it is, then adjusts the fuel amt accordingly. You're the computer in carbed engines.
Hi Kev I love how you have been posting more gas and nitro content. And when I saw your revo videos it inspired me to get one. Love the videos, keep up the good work 👍👍
Huge thanks to you and (the crew Andy, Clair, 8s and so on) for all your videos on so many different vehicles. I finally got a cheaper buggy, and it put a big smile on my face . Looking forward to progressing in this hobby via your vids. Thanks so much for your time.
I'm a big fan of the gas/nitro rc stuff, I know it's slower but it's the tinkering aspect of it that interests me. I love tuning, adjusting a real combustion engine. The noise and smell are also reasons. I do have some electric rcs and their way faster and more reliable and I enjoy them just as much but it's hard to beat an old fashion smoke blowing noise maker
I love them petrol models, however my community was not so welcoming to my Losi Baja Truck. Switched it to electrics, nobody complains anymore (or at least not for the noise ;))
Kevin I’m a long time fan. If you want rear wheel steering to work at speed you need more CASTER. The caster effect is what a shopping car wheel does to stay straight. Same thing for a “safety bicycle.” It is absolutely required in a 2 or 4 wheel vehicle to get the front wheels to return to center. With rear wheel steering at high speed I would assume you need caster in the rear too… ✌️good luck I enjoy your content
Love the channel. My biggest gripe is a lot of the time i have no idea what make and model of car your showing is. Would be super helpful to have that info in the description.
Extra complexity, heavy, and then you’re dealing with the hazards and downfalls of both lithium batteries and combustible fuel, the limited cycle life of the batteries, and the maintenance of internal combustion… all the downsides of both options but no performance gain beyond what either is capable of.
I always remember growing up and started on electric cars and had tamya's but the batterys never lasted long so went on to electric then gas engines . I cant believe how good battery rc cars have become in 20 years
RC Bros: "Petrol/Gas sounds so much better than electric!" Petrol RC Cars: literally sound like a cross between an electric razor and a cheap motorcycle horn.
To lock the rear steering you could have just done what pontiac did with the fiero: lock the tire rods to the diff/mount and kept the hubs the same. that way you could adjust toe in/toe out on the rear wheels if you had an alignment issue or tracking problem.
To be honest, I was quite surprised to see the gas powered having a better top end than the brushless! 👀 Nitro is all cool for the smell and noise, but since electric got seriously quick I haven't looked back once! But the race outcome was very surprising. 💯👌🏻
Imagine this truck having a Nitro engine on it... wish those running v8 model engines had the power to run this truck. That would be the engine to have.
honestly, which i'd do depends what i'm doing with the car, if i'm building a car that i want doing tricks and jumps i'm probably going electric, for crawling and racing i'm probably going with combustion and i'm probably using as many metal parts as possible, including a metal shell
Electric absolutely! The sound of gas engine is too loud in most cases, the tuning 😮, delayed air control, and storing/transporting gas RC is a pain/smell.... Electric also has faster response And is lighter.
The Gravedigger has possibly the most annoying noise of any vehicle made by human hands. They are both completely superb though. No model engine sound can do justice to a scale monster truck!
I would 100% take gas. So much better in my eyes. I’ve already got a neighbor that revs his cars engine at 3 in the morning and wakes everyone up, I’m sure no one would mind me pissing about in the street with it for 10-20 minutes.
🚗Win one of my cars
Yes sir ม้าน้ำลึกประมาณ 7 ชั่วโมง
Hi kev I’m a big fan who started to watch this year
Hi, I’m a really big fan. I’ve been watching you for eight years since you started and I’m going two of your RC cars today
Electric for me. Seems to have quicker throttle response in watching the video but slower top speed. Can’t go wrong with either.
2 stroke powerrrrrrrrrr💯🏁🚗🇬🇧💪
If you're a newbie avoid gas/nitro. It's 10x more maintenance and if you can't maintain a electric rc, you won't be able to maintain a nitro/gas
Nitro is a pain in the but but petrol not too bad
It was the 1st thing I did, couldn't get use to the engine, to much messing around trying to start it, I never looked at Rc's again
@@Deekm69 get an electric rc youll have a blast
It's not 10x more maintenance. In general, don't get any rc car if you aren't slightly mechanically inclined and willing to turn screws. Electric will require knowledge and upkeeping of batteries and charging. putting them in storage mode etc... A nitro will require keeping engine lubricated during storage and keeping fuel out of carb/engine. Tuning is not what most people describe it as. It takes very slight adjustments as needed.
Electric motors and ESC are very finacky. You need to be well skilled in soldering connections properly. I found electronics much more annoying to troubleshoot. Dealing with programming etc...
Nitros are all mechanical when it comes to issues. Once you learn the basics, there are clear reasons why you may have trouble starting an engine, or issues with the drive gear. I find it more satisfying to work on and more rewarding when working.
Adjusting little things to have the car behave differently and get more power/speed. With electric you can change the gearing or put a different battery pack. Changing both of these usually lead to engine/esc overheating and seizing or fires. Nitros you can change many things from fuel type, exhaust/header, carbs and carb adjustment, gearing, upgrading crankshafts/bearings.
@@KevinTalbotTV cant you get 4stroke engines for those ? not nearly as loud.
You know that the grave digger is loud when we’re struggling to hear kev shouting over the sound of the engine
Is that bloke in the office still watching you ? 😁
Haha probably!!
Take a drone and watch him 😆
What have I missed? Bloke and office 🤔
@@Deekm69 In one of his previous videos there was a guy in the top floor of the office next to the road where they did their speed runs.
Kevin: that was a fun day
Me: but its all broken 😅
I found the problem. Ground vehicles are NOT air vehicles. :)
the flying is not the problem
its the landing 😋
I would love to see an X-Maxx this size!
#1 RC Guy on the planet.👍
The” Trololo “song when “wasted” is pure genius 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙌🙌🙌😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Brushless all day for me. Look at the chassis twist; so much torque! And that ESC can handle 16S. I think you know what you need to try, Kevin! 🤣
You have the best RC Cars ever lol 😂❤❤❤
Imagine one of those raminators with a giant nitro engine that has like 50 hp or more in it, that would be epic
8:29 sick recovery!
OMG Kev! I gotta go old school and pick the grave digger. It's just so big loud and obnoxious. That one air you pulled off in the skatepark where you got inverted and then brought it back down was soooo sick. The slowmo of that super jump into the grass was epic too. Imagine how high that would have been scaled up to monster truck size? It would have to be like a ten to 15 story jump!! When you stuffed the front end on landing in slow mo it looked like someone breaking their ankle😅😂
I like them both, each one has its own place. That Taylor sounds healthy!
I'm addicted to ur videos I'm watching these in my home town😅🎉
Im not even into RC cars but this channel has to be my favourite right now. Kevin is a crazy f*cking legend of a human being ... TUMBLE WUMBLE!
Last words an RC car hears before breaking a bone: OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!
My neighbors would LOVE me to drive this around my garden on weekends!
I love that petrol digger 👍
the grave digger dug its own grave
Should do a tug of war between the two
I like the grave digger
Kevin sitting in between them really puts them in perspective how massive these are.
and how small kevvie is hahahah
That grave digger makes more noise than my dad snoring 😂😂😂
I never comment, but I love your videos so much! Electric all day long!
You should have flipped the servo then shortened thr servo arm..
Thanks for the channel btw. Big thanks. Your channel made me buy my son an rc car for christmas .😊
He was watching my youtubes.😂
I like the smell and sound of a 2 stroke engine but electric is definitely less of a hassle.
Well, if you properly maintain the gas one, it's no diff than a lawnmower. The ISSUE is they are so small, the carbs etc are prone to clogging, and they are more sensitive to atmospheric pressure etc which is why all cars are EFI now. The computer measures how much air is going in, how dense it is, then adjusts the fuel amt accordingly. You're the computer in carbed engines.
The guy in the window must be real jealous of those! Lmao!
you know your RC is serious when fire is a practicable tool =p
Petrol but with a mini v6 or v8 in it.
Hi Kev I love how you have been posting more gas and nitro content. And when I saw your revo videos it inspired me to get one. Love the videos, keep up the good work 👍👍
Huge thanks to you and (the crew Andy, Clair, 8s and so on) for all your videos on so many different vehicles.
I finally got a cheaper buggy, and it put a big smile on my face .
Looking forward to progressing in this hobby via your vids.
Thanks so much for your time.
Fit twin gearbox to either ramminator
I'm a big fan of the gas/nitro rc stuff, I know it's slower but it's the tinkering aspect of it that interests me. I love tuning, adjusting a real combustion engine. The noise and smell are also reasons. I do have some electric rcs and their way faster and more reliable and I enjoy them just as much but it's hard to beat an old fashion smoke blowing noise maker
They look fun but seem to always break under any punishment
I would go petrol myself. Can’t beat the sound and smell of a fuel driven car over electric
Ive got 8.5 acres and neighbours whom we mutually hate each other, so
THE Petrol 2 stroke FOR ME please! Lol 😂
Team petrol all the way !!
How you know your a good builder is when you can't undo it lol
I love them petrol models, however my community was not so welcoming to my Losi Baja Truck. Switched it to electrics, nobody complains anymore (or at least not for the noise ;))
Kevin sounds exactly like Astrobiscuit 😂😂
Kevin I’m a long time fan.
If you want rear wheel steering to work at speed you need more CASTER. The caster effect is what a shopping car wheel does to stay straight. Same thing for a “safety bicycle.”
It is absolutely required in a 2 or 4 wheel vehicle to get the front wheels to return to center.
With rear wheel steering at high speed I would assume you need caster in the rear too…
✌️good luck I enjoy your content
Love the channel. My biggest gripe is a lot of the time i have no idea what make and model of car your showing is.
Would be super helpful to have that info in the description.
Thats why it always pays to have 2 of eveything
I never knew RC stuff had got so large until watching this channel and i do not even own any RC stuff. Great channel Mr. Talbot...
Yeah these two trucks are almost 15k
My car second hand new car cost me a 5th of that 😲
I would love to see a hybrid Rc Car
to get the worst out of both concepts? as in 1:1 it’s awful. go electric or go petrol
Extra complexity, heavy, and then you’re dealing with the hazards and downfalls of both lithium batteries and combustible fuel, the limited cycle life of the batteries, and the maintenance of internal combustion… all the downsides of both options but no performance gain beyond what either is capable of.
@@emersonb5764I think it would just be an interesting project,Maybe a trying to make one tank last awhile
Petrol for the noise and emotion!! Electric for the maintenance 😂
Back flipping a Raminator!!! Awesome video!!! Happy RC’ing Y’all!!!
Brother can video scy 16102 pro Rc car 3s speed test pls
Good car brother i like 👍👍
I always remember growing up and started on electric cars and had tamya's but the batterys never lasted long so went on to electric then gas engines . I cant believe how good battery rc cars have become in 20 years
A simple muffler on the end of the tuned pipe would actually make the noise bearable.
Very nice 👍🏻
lately I have been watching a TON of your video's, I think so far I have watched over 652
I cant stop 😂
Dude it sounds so awesome in slow motion ❤
RC Bros: "Petrol/Gas sounds so much better than electric!"
Petrol RC Cars: literally sound like a cross between an electric razor and a cheap motorcycle horn.
To lock the rear steering you could have just done what pontiac did with the fiero: lock the tire rods to the diff/mount and kept the hubs the same. that way you could adjust toe in/toe out on the rear wheels if you had an alignment issue or tracking problem.
Adds a point of failure.. and hes said many times that he hates RCs that have that to lock the rears.
The damage is done with these things, but you got a back flip out of it. lol.
Hey everyone, BOOM!!!
Electric: Simplicity, torque, reliable
Gas: Runtime
flipping huge monster madness 👌💪💪👍😀 love it 😀👍💪💪
Bhai video viral Ho Gaya Hamara🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
I like them equally, they both have their merits and owning either would be fun regardless.
To be honest, I was quite surprised to see the gas powered having a better top end than the brushless! 👀 Nitro is all cool for the smell and noise, but since electric got seriously quick I haven't looked back once! But the race outcome was very surprising. 💯👌🏻
Imagine this truck having a Nitro engine on it... wish those running v8 model engines had the power to run this truck. That would be the engine to have.
this is the video we all wanted to see
First time I seen kevin bummed out about breaking one lol
OHHHH Say can you SEEEE, Kevin Talbot IS the MAN, He may be WEEEE, but he's mighty as HELL! 😂Kevin Talbot 2024 POTRCW!
Electric all day hands down! (No one will never know why this comment got so many likes 😂)
All my cars petrol I love the smell noise and tuning real man's toy lol
Electric for Kevin, great content mate always worth a watch
Get to push up😂.... Next week it will be 6.8k lol
You're going to be doing a few lol
"Looks like a liquid" but it's the "gas" that's used from that liquid to power the engines.
I’m your biggest fan
Kev! When will we see more udr action? Or perhaps even give it away, eh? 🤔
My kids said this is their favorite video or yours! lol awesome stuff Kev
boom! glad they liked it! how are you bro??
@@KevinTalbotTV doing great man. I’ve been putting on Rc events every month for about 5 months now. Having a blast! How are you dude?
@@TrailerTrashRC thats epic! I've been moving to isle of man. We'll have to catch up soon
@@KevinTalbotTV yes! Awesome bro! Excited for your move!! Let’s catch up super soon man.
Those raminators look super fun!
You just don’t get how loud it is in the video but awesome. Great stuff makes my savage xl look like a granite 😂
These rc cars are cool
I love the grave digger I used tiki watch grave digger and big foot back in the day
honestly, which i'd do depends what i'm doing with the car, if i'm building a car that i want doing tricks and jumps i'm probably going electric, for crawling and racing i'm probably going with combustion and i'm probably using as many metal parts as possible, including a metal shell
I know rc stuff can get expensive but i never would have guessed that the gas one would be $4,000... Thats just insane to me
Electric. Nitro and gas sounds like too much hassle. Also, it looked like you almost hit your "land rover" at 4:02 lol 😂
@kevintabot will you ship that red one to hawaii for free? ...😂🤙🏼🤙🏼
Electric absolutely! The sound of gas engine is too loud in most cases, the tuning 😮, delayed air control, and storing/transporting gas RC is a pain/smell.... Electric also has faster response And is lighter.
Rc cars🎉🎉🎉
I swear you couldve saved that last landing😂 throttled it out😅
Hello I'm one of your biggest fans and I love your RUclips channel
I’ve never seen a grave digger do a whip lol love the vids kev keep up the good work 😃
Petrol ⛽️ all day Kev sound can’t be beat 👍
The Gravedigger has possibly the most annoying noise of any vehicle made by human hands. They are both completely superb though. No model engine sound can do justice to a scale monster truck!
Brother can video scy 16102 pro Rc car 3s speed test pls ❤
Man those are nice RC cars.
Can I please have one of your RC’s?
Fantastic big machines 🤩🤩
Buddy out here selling RC cars
Cool video, Kev. Too bad we can't enter draw here in Canada.
Install a moped/scooter muffler from malossi or bidalot , you will have a nicer sound and less noise.
You sir are nuts great vid 👍👍👍👍👍
Nice 👍 definitely gotta be Gasoline for me
Online electric power! Clean and quiet. 👍
I would 100% take gas. So much better in my eyes. I’ve already got a neighbor that revs his cars engine at 3 in the morning and wakes everyone up, I’m sure no one would mind me pissing about in the street with it for 10-20 minutes.