10 Best GUNS You Need For Season 1 (CODM Ranked!)
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- 🔫 Top 10 Weapons for Season 1 2025: Ultimate Competitive Breakdown
Dive deep into the most powerful weapons dominating the current meta! This comprehensive analysis breaks down the top 10 weapons, from SMGs to ARs, revealing their exact stats, kill potential, and optimal use cases.
What You'll Discover:
• Precise damage ranges and time-to-kill (TTK) for each weapon
• Mobility and handling characteristics that make weapons shine
• Strategic insights for different playstyles and game modes
• Expert recommendations on weapon builds and configurations
• Hidden strengths of overlooked weapon classes
Whether you're a competitive player or looking to upgrade your arsenal, this breakdown gives you the competitive edge you need. Timestamps in video for quick weapon reference!
#GamingWeapons #CompetitiveGaming #WeaponStats
MOW, AK47, DRH, AND EM2 ARE NOW GOOD IN CODM?!?! CX9, Grau, or PDW? Season 10 of COD Mobile is finally here! Krig 6, Holger, Peacekeeper, what else? New CODM Meta? Here are the Best Gunsmith builds for QQ9, LK24, SVD, SKS, kilo, CBR4, KRIG 6, HOLGER and more weapons to use in your loadouts for Call Of Duty Mobile Ranked.
Research: Zi
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Business: kith@amg.gg
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Twitter: / kithcodm
KithCODM FB: / kithcodm
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Music Credit: streambeats.com
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If you know.. 😅
re-upload eh?
@@overdeadzephyr Yep
you forgot to make a thumbnail
Dude just dropped straight into the list as soon as the video started, gotta sub after this behavior
12:41 "USS is the reason why ALL of the 3-Taps became obsolete", 💯 FACTS! 🧢🚫
People still be spamming DRH when they could Just Use USS Instead 🤣 Great job bro! Love your analysis as always 🫂🥰
Lebron James ahh typing
@@40msgawd on purpose ;)
@@Cygnoux I would hope so or else I’d think you started cheefing galaxy gas
@ haha good one xD
I use drh cus i love the gun
I still watch you even though I don't play anymore💀
No matter the meta, the semi auto dmr are always gonna be my fav. Especially AMAX and the LAG after the buff
The FAL is more of a BR than a DMR in COD games. Also, the
CR-56 AMAX feels struggling to use with the SKS ammo, as I prefer it on the AS VAL instead.
Bankai Daiguren Hyorinmaru
@@whydoesthethebrainignoreth6273what do BR and DMR stand for if you don’t mind me asking? Outside of BR as Battle Royal of course lol.
@@Marynicole830Battle Rifle and Designated Marksman Rifle
@ A battle rifle and designated marksman rifle.
3:44 that's was the most unluck respawn I ever seen
apparently they've messed up the spawns in rush and terminal
You need to see mine then. 🤦♂️
Bro never played shipment
@@Smo-e3hshipment is now filled with bots bro
You’re the best cod RUclipsr rn not just codm but console/pc too keep up the good work
GKS & EM2 is underrated. Specially Buffing EM2, it's feels same though GKS Buff is awesome!
GKS is one of the best weapons in the game right now...easily top 3.
Top 3 my ass😂
Nah but the gks is actually really good
@ It is!
bro I LOVE how you don't make annoying and boring videos.
Thank u for always including the gunsmith
Qq9 i feel like has been an underdog for like soo long but now its actually becoming good
been waiting for this
Hell yeah QQ9 appreciation
Straight into the video, i love the content
13:10 if you want more strafe speed you can switch the FSS carbine pro barrel to the factory mini barrel
GKS is also good now. Not as good as Uss 9 but it is very decent.
Bizon is a monster 😈
If my pants turn brown, run😈
Suprisingly the UL is also a great lmg for the 2 to 3rd range. It can overcome against most meta weapons if used currently.Great video Kith!❤
This was a bullshit list.
@ thats your opinion i cant do shit about it🫡
Codm videos with subs are the best
My stupid ahh left mid video and came back 30 mins later wondering why its still "8 mins ago"
After the arrival of free legendary LK24, we don't even need a red dot now and thus, we can use the slot for a perk
Mom wake up kith made a new top 10 guns video (you forgot to make a thumbnail)
Ah yes, the QQ10!
Not taking drh is crazy
Replaced by uss9
@@Dazzler1223 Not the same type,drh is much better than some guns in video
Early watchers know this is a re upload lol
Then I'm a real one
Real ones know this list is bullshit
yes, the oden gunsmith was missing from the previous one (dunno if other things as well haha)
even without the 10mm QQ9 is still the best smg
Hi Kith! Finally you dropped the top 10 meta video, was waiting for it. Question, did you tried the GKS? They buffed it again and I tried it out of curiosity, and it felt nice and consistent! Is it not viable? Do you think it's not worth of an.honourabl. mention? Let me know.
Aleo (but this is just pure preference bc of my playstyle) AK47 and BransonASM10 not viable? I'm not making statements, I'm asking questions, but for me (again, playstyle preferences) they are amazing slow paced passive-long range - lane holding lazers
(The ASM10 reload speed is just illegal) And thank you again, love your video. Best CODM coach, hands down ❤
I'm sure lk24 will be used more as it's the weapon of the lst crate
I am thankful the G37H is gonna have a free Legendary skin from the LST crate, because I absolutely dislike its default ironsight. Even the Krig-6 or GKS is easier to use without a dot sight.
@whydoesthethebrainignoreth6273 I like how you used the cod online name of gun
@@Accurxte_09 Well, I just prefer to call guns by their original names you see.
@@whydoesthethebrainignoreth6273 that's great :D
It's gonna be hyped for sure, but if they'll continue to use it, I think no. LK was (and it still is personally) the best main AR some seasons ago, while its still meta, I don't think it's common to see LK users in higher ranked matches
PDW finally got some recognition
I've basically used every honorable mention this season
Except for using cqb pad use bandit steady stock as it also reduces the sprint to fire delay on tundra
Great video Kith 🙌✨
How do you calculate the BSA of any gun?
I mean kith knows all the tip's in the game knows all the nade spots+wallbang spots and has crazy aim still how he isn't the #1 cod mobile player 💀 like bro how
It’s because he doesn’t cheat.
@Bad.Pappy.Official so what u saying is every good player that is out there is somehow cheating? bc if u do so that means the anti cheat system is rigged wich is big claim it self considering u can't even start a match if u have cheats installed
@@gg619lol5 Quiet, nerd. 🥴
@bad.Pappy.Official so you are saying that iferg and more better codm players are cheating?
@@Bad.Pappy.Official quiet monkey adults are talking
GKS is so underrated
i love and hate these typa vids cuz i now know what the best guns are and also the opps cuz i have a skill issue
Practice makes perfect.
The peacekeeper is my go-to Ar
Qq10 is hands down the best smg
Free legendary lk24 has insane headshot
6:38 damn there's pk again
Qq10 goated
Hey Kitt!!! Loving your Codm Content!!! Hope you see this❤❤
season 1 hasn't even been release yet and bro already made a top 10☠☠
oden my fav gun ❤
rip thumbnail
he forgot to add the oden before glad he added it i was wonder where it was at first I replayed the part 2 times cus I though I was tripping
Even tho Im a br player I love hvk-30 using it made me reach grandmaster 5 in MP just 1 week before rank reset from to grandmaster 5 I would use bp50 but it's just toxic and feels a lot similar to the CX-9 Because of how fast it runs out of bullets I just keep switching between Hvk-30 and Asm10 with Branson barrel
I find it funny when I used the lk24,It was suprisingly good but somehow cod wants it to be meta b4 the free legendary of it drops😂
I think the slide cancel in this is only for looks it doesn’t give you the see the other first on the screen like it did in mdub. What do you think. Just seems it’s a bigger advantage to take advantage of dead silence and ads.
Yoo kith what is the best sensitivity for operator skill
As it came out with this update!
I really wish I had a blue print for the uss9
Kith what do you think of the oden’s alternate ammo type?
W video 🔥
the only guns you need (5 players using USS9 every damn lobby)
parallel universe upload edition
Can I ask what are your thoughts on the M
Krig 6 right now.
Why it feels like i already watched it
Type 63 long ago made the SKS obsolete
Bro u made the old video private 😭
I was like no way bro became paid to post
W Kith frfr 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ 🤫🧏.
I think uss-9 is nerfed, it is not same in season 1..!
Hvk light barrel with one headie top3 buttt marksman barrel with one headie top1
Lk24 iron site isnt a problem anymore since i have the free legendary skin from LST box
Seems like a pretty balanced season
Except the USS-9
@yoinkreal yea true
Please do weapon rankings for BR❤
It's qq9 bro 😊
You Changed The Thumbnail 😂
Wish SKS/type63 was fast burst gun instead of semi auto also the guns easy use if your a 4 claw finger player..I'm thumb player
After using the Groza, i think Its better than Peacekeeper (the PK has slower TTK than Grau lmfao), the recoil pattern is easier and also Faster Mobility (Especially its strafe speed) even tho the range isnt a lot and has a damage dropoff (Not worse than PDW tho) it guaranteed a 4 shot kill up to 25m (Use the mil spec barrel trust me its worth it 5% damage range wont make a lot of differences)
CBR4 now better than PDW imo.
XM4 will change the placement of the Peacekeeper
8:27 7.62x54R in a fast firing full auto assault rifle???
Cbr is great now
Its BSA got back like in the past, def better than PDW-57
You're not sneaky Kith ☠️
New GKS stats beats USS9, in 75% categories, in the weapon comparison.
Kinda crazy that ffar 1 is not on the meta list
Nobody talks bout swordfish for mp?,its amazing in br more than mp
I still use bruen for off meta 😭
Its fun tho
first video when i press it says private video... I thought that was a mistake HAHAH and now it upload again
Try the M21 EBR
Yo kith is the new AR good in br?
My favorite lmg is raal mg it shoots through walls, and I am still not banned
🎉wat about the ak117 bro it's a free mythic we need a guid fir it😂😂😂
Bro the random thumbnail😂
Wait.....i feel like iv seen this before.......oh. oh well imma rewatch fk it 🤌🔥🖤🦅
Even if Uss 9 is meta u still need skill to use it
Gks is goog now
What about the LAG53?
For LK24 build, what can i add without red dot?
Is slide cancelling still an effective tactic?
Sks got way better recoil and fire rate than the type 63 I can quickly double tap people across the map can’t do that with the type 63
Hey Kith! This is bothering me very much for the past 37 minutes and I need answers. Do you think that the ICR-1 with Monolithic Suppresor, OWC Ranger, No Stock, Granulated Grip Tape, and Fast Extended Mag B can compete with the DR-H in terms of stats?
Hell naw
Bp50 is good as always
Sup kith 😃
1:11 GYA- no, no shut up. You're not saying this. Don't give in to the brainrot, wooper.
Thoughts on Lag compared with Oden?
Lag - still 3 shot trash, oden - 2 shot meta. We got scammed, there is no additional damage to lag 53
why is the 1.1 flinch on uss 9 not a big deal, can you elabotate.
Is the FAL worth it kith ? My past 7 out 10 matches, I've seen people use it, ofcourse passively and they killed me very fast so I was thinking that could the Oden be replaced by the FAL ?
What about the LAG 53?
I wrote a comment about full ranking of all weapons by objective power/efficiency somewhere under this video. It's not hard to find, you will notice where I put your lag53
6:09 QQ10 ?
We all know what's the true meta.
Subscribing to Kith with posts on notifications. To know the meta much earlier, you might get an ace/nuke🤷🔥