The Battle For Maradon | A Wheel of Time Memorable Moment
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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The Battle For Maradon - A Wheel of Time Memorable Moment
Book 13: Towers of Midnight
Chapters 18/24/28/32
As the Last Battle approached and Tenobia took a large part of the Saldaean army south with the Borderland army, Maradon came under attack from a large Shadowspawn army and was defended by Rodel Ituralde, who was unable to use the city's defenses because the Darkfriend noble Vram Torkumen had claimed that Rodel was an invader and so would get no help from the Saldaeans. The Domani were only able to enter the city when Torkumen was overthrown. Once inside the city, the Shadowspawn attack was increased and rogue male channelers were used to destroy part of the northern wall. The city was eventually saved after Rand al'Thor arrived with Davram Bashere and forced the remaining Trollocs out.
This program is read by Audie Award-winning narrator Michael Kramer.
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Intro/Outtro Music
Lost in Prayer by Doug Maxwell from RUclips Audio Library
Dark Hollows by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The Impossible by Savfk | / savfkmusic
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
An Epic Story by MaxKoMusic |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
The Eyeless Ones by Joe Pingleton
Tales From The Kings Court Rough by yigitkoroglu
Visuals made using and by creators:
caseif - Particles & Trap Nation Visualizer
Incept - Particles & Trap Nation Visualizer
DISCLAIMER: The Wheel of Time Book Copyright owners own all of the Wheel of Time Audio Book content on this channel.
These aren't promotional videos.
They are audio files that have been re-mixed and re-edited into Visual Audio Videos for entertainment purposes only.
COPYRIGHTS: Please email me if you notice any of your copyrighted content so that we can address any issues.
After all these years from when I first read this, it still brings me to tears.
Thank you, Robert Jordan
Ituralde is the greatest of the great captains imho not only this defence but the way he handled the Seanchan were exquisite. Second only to Matt I would say.
Ituralde is also my favorite.
I always liked Bashere, but Itarulde is portrayed at a different level than the other great captains. Although we never really got to see Pedron Niall in action
Indeed the best of the great captains. Also the only one to suspect something (Graendal's compulsion) was wrong before it was pointed out to him.
Yeah and matt has some cheat codes 😂
@@jimboskii2555 cheat codes rofl love this.
"...I'm tired of letting him hurt my people..." literal chills
Between Covid messing with my emotions, the way RJ wrote these scenes, the way Michael Kramer reads them, and the music you was hard for me to get through this dry eyed...actually I failed.
This is way better than the show.
I will continue to watch the show so I can see events like this one on screen.
@@meis1385 knowing the shit writers they will prob remove all the battle scenes
You think they will get this far in the show before canceling it?
Maybe some people are actually watching the show idk. It seems like these giant companies are willing to spend tons of money just to drag good stories through the woke mud.
@@olcuqap1789 They'll just make it all girl power scenes. Dumai's will probably be Cadsuane with a bunch of girl bosses breaking Rand out of the box and then hooking him up to the male A'dam, and then making him swear fealty to them.
Maradon is my favourite WOT battle sequence, even ahead of Dumai's Wells and Merrilor.
Though I do with there were more battles in this series. Not to knock it. It's in my top 5 of all time series.
But hey, at least if I want a battle or amazing combat sequences every couple chapters or so I can grab an RA Salvatore book....His books ALWAYS scratch that itch.
@@jdgoesham5381 Top 5, eh? What are the other four?
My 3 favorite wot moments go Maradon -> Dumai wells-> Rand and Logain death gates massacre
Its more of a relaxing read at night battle
I totally agree. Dumais Wells and the Manor House battles are more like skirmishes in comparison.
Maradon is a protracted, tactical battle played out over weeks. And what really lends it so much weight is not the fighting, but the loss of life and sacrifice.
“…I have inspected your men. There are so few left. And they are broken and battered.
How did you hold this city? What you have done is a miracle.
I do what needs to be done.
You must have lost many friends.
One of the best battle sequences in the whole series. Thanks for posting!
I am so happy I found this! The show got me interested but now I have read all the books! This is now my favorite fantasy series! Thank you for this great job!
Have you dropped the tv show now you’ve read the books..??
Obviously the world and story that Jordan created is awesome. The show will never come close to the books and I know that! so I take the show for what it is and have no expectations.. because of thst I have enjoyed the show for the most part.. I wish they would let ran be who he is and we can see how much more powerful he is..
not a fan of the show I take it? Lol
Hes a storm, a storm of light. My God the music and your narrative style brought me there. To my childhood reading this part again, I teared up.
It's from the audiobook, but everything else (other than the chapter illustrations, obvs) is from this channel (no pun intended lol)
A collection of all the matt chapters of him with the band/fights would be dope af. I dunno what time of time your looking for but, you could do one super long one with all the chapters. then do individual videos for the fights. and individual videos for like, moments of him with tuon etc. could pump out a ton of extra/smaller/individual videos from that storyline that people really love. And, like a full on 2 hour long or whatever non-stop matt fest has me very excited.
i really love the music choices. it really helps keep my attention.
Blood and bloody ashes
@Wheel Of Time Audio Clips Thank you for putting this together and making it available for everyone. If there is any possibility of requests then I'll ask after the Towers of Midnight Chapters 53-55 Mat, Thom, and Noal's journey into the Tower of Ghenjei. Unsure of the restrictions on the source material and all I can offer at this time is a hint of shame, hoping for bit of luck, and a toss of proverbial the dice. I'll be listening to any additional content honestly. Much appreciated.
Disclaimers in the descriptions show that all the audiobook content I use is not mine I just edit the music for entertainment purposes only, RUclips doesn't allow my channel to be monetized and only the copyright owners of the wheel of time can tell me to stop I guess? which they haven't yet nor has youtube.
I solely do this for myself and all the fans who enjoy listening to this wonderful storytelling with what I hope is the right background music that will enhance the experience.
Thanks for your requests, I've added them to a growing list of future content.
I’ll second that request master Gleeman
@@WheelOfTimeAudioClipsStill listening to these you've adapted with music when I have the time or need a break.
You did a great job with all of them!
The moment when Ituralde decides to hold the city is epic.
Love these videos. You should do Rand Al'Thor on top of Dragonmount from book 12 some time soon
Thanks note taken for future content🙏
Tremendous chain of events with an amazing ending. One of my favorite moments in all of fantasy.
What an incredible compilation. Thank you.
The music is such a great touch
not only is it a good idea, but the choices for the diff moods are very well selected.
Thanks I really appreciate that 🙏
I definitely ain’t no expert but I try my best to find the right matching music and spend hours editing it in, sometimes days due to my lack of experience and still working a 60 to 70hr a week job.
"Are you not one of those they name Great Captain? Show me what that title means, Lord Rodel Ituralde." that's when you knew it was gonna go down.
Absolute masterpiece with the music.
I was listening to a song called Earthshaker when Rand unleashed his full power in this battle. Gave me chills.
Thank you! I really appreciate that you listened to my suggestion. This is awesome, I love this part.
"... and they started to die."
Chills bro, chills.
The pause in the music before “and they started to die.” Is so good.
I initially didn't like the music, but yeah, that dramatic pause really added to it.
Fantastic job with this. The music makes it even more epic.
I love coming across these. If I may request.... SPOILERS
The cleansing of Saidin
Mat and Rand meeting with Tuon
a collection of the Karaethon Cycle exerpts from the front and backs of the books.
Thanks I’ll add them for future content🙏
Thank you! Just thank you!
A suggestion for the next video you could do the scene where Rand meets Tuon and Mat with him singing the song and such. That would be excellent and fairly short, I have enjoyed your videos with the soundtrack in the background. Also another suggestion is Rand on top of dragonmount, that is another top tier scene in the series.
Thanks I’ll add these to future content 🙏
You do a great job w/ these. Thank you for putting them out. The cleansing of Sadin would be nice, too
You should do all the ter'angreals that people walk into, the Aes Sedai testing one, the 3 doorways for Accepted, the sandstone doorways, the crystal doorways...
That was awesome
Missing 'An Open Gate' chapter content. But still amazing
Thanks, I’ll look at editing that in when I can🙏
Yes, the missing scene starts in chapter 21 at 14 hours 25min and 54sec mark. Lasting under 18 minutes to 14 hours 43 min and 47sec mark. For anyone wanting to listen that on their own in between.
Great job dude 🍻
Chills. Amazing job!
I like what you have going here.
if this was the show the 2 maidens would have done the work while Rand cried
Why would anyone watch the tv show..??
@@alexstewart9747its all we have right now 😢
That "show" is a dumpster fire.
Great audio any chance you can do Lan from when Nynaeve dropped him in Saldaea
Besides Mat, the little General is the general of generals
I like how the lights moving on the thumbnail seem to move at the speed of the music.
The full scope of battle. Betrayed, beseiged, rescued, house to house, power!
Have you done the cleansing of saidin? I don't see it anywhere.
No, I’ll add it to my list of future content thanks 🙏
@@WheelOfTimeAudioClips I'm looking forward to it! You do great work!
Did you skip a part of the siege? Did you skip the part when Ituralde is retreating from his position before the people in Maradon eventually let them in?
It did seem like a scene was missing between the trebs raining down bodies and being in the city
Unless there’s a chapter I missed or the audiobook content I have is missing part of the chapter? I don’t think I did, i spent hours listening to these chapters after I found them to find what I hope is the right music then I had trouble editing these videos due to lack of time, experience and job fatigue.
I’ll look at finding that missing part and re edit it in when I can if I find it.
Thanks 🙏
@@WheelOfTimeAudioClips it must be hard to do this stuff. Very good work, I really like your stuff.
@WheelOfTimeAudioClips Yes, the missing scene starts in chapter 21 at 14 hours 25min and 54sec mark. Lasting under 18 minutes to 14 hours 43 min and 47sec mark. Thank you for this amazing video.
Do every Hopper lol
It would be so long, but fucking *HOPPER!* 😻
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that the audio artist doesn't understand that the t in trebuchet is silent?
Lol 😂
Some RUclipsrs are worse!
I offer you shade and water friend...i have to' toward you now