@@Jizukiru STOP RIGHT THERE! Everyone, clap the chosen one, for he has sacrificed himself for us. Praise be our savior! (Thunderous clapping in the background)
"With a heavy heart, I must say... This will be our last performance together. Hold your instruments close because this opera will not end until one of us can't play anymore."
“Every symphony could be your last. Please, give me your greatest performance and I will do the same. One of us will have to write a greater melody tomorrow.”
My favorite mechanic of the fight is how it can technically go on forever! After you beat him, the on looking crowd starts to shout, "Encore! Encore! Encore!" and if you don't find the way to silence them, he gets back up and the fight begins again.
I like to imagine people see this and scroll into the comments, only to find that people are talking about some game that doesn’t exist that confuses the hell out of them
@@dootjager2596 don't know who your talking to but there is in fact a game being made for this and other similar instrument boss themed meme songs, forgot the name but just search around.
Fiendish Pact, not Fey. Pact Blade: Your violin belongs to a powerful demon. The rosin bow is deadly sharp. You did indeed sell your soul to the devil to learn how to play.
Honestly his intro lines are the best part of the entire fight. "My foes! My enemies! It is with greatest pride and deepest pleasure, that I welcome you here tonight! So now I invite you to please, relax! Put the swords away! As I proudly present!... Your demise!" Chills every time.
I was moreso thinking a boss that is so good, you save a separate file right before the boss fight so you can come back to it whenever you want. If you choose a Violin class, then this battle basically acts as a "Dante Vs Vergil" type fight for you, you're both getting hits in, and both of you are enjoying the thrill of this fight, but only one violinist can come out on top. ...Until you reload your save to do it all again.
See I was thinking the opposite, like not the final boss, but rather a secondary villain who somewhat cares for the protagonist, like Malicos from Jedi Fallen Order, and he could occasionally help them in their quest, or be seen in the background of certain gameplay sections, similar to Hornet in Hollow Knight or the G-Man in Half-Life He would be regretful about having to fight you, but wouldn’t hold back regardless. I can’t tell whether he would fight for a crowd, or alone in a large chamber, but his over the top style seems to give off Alastor vibes from Hazbin Hotel. He could have a sword that could double as a bow for his violin, whether it be built in to an edge of his blade, or it be double edged like Darth Mauls lightsaber, but I could see him fighting with both his bow and violin for flair Idk man that’s just kind of what I’m getting from him
I could imagine him as the typical boss that its strangely easy to beat , but once you beat him , he gets up , takes his violin and says "Now lets get the show started",a whole ghost orchestra appears and then he turns intro a barely undefeatable boss
_"How foolish of you to disturb me when i was enjoying myself. Now let me play the melody of your death in return"_ - *Some random villain who suddenly appeared behind you* -
Corruption spreads strings attach can you hear it? The melody of your death oh how wonderfully pleasant it plays. Truly a mesmoriesing performance. Now dance with me hero may this be your last performance. Encore!
ahh, nostalgia. i remember when i thought he was just gonna be a miniboss or sumn lol. i was not ready for the emotions to come. his death still makes me tear up a bit :,)
i deadass thought this was a game because someone on the comment said "between the character design, his lore and his battle theme, the Corrupted Violinist was my favorite character in the entire game" i've been trying to look it up for hours now and i just found out it was just a meme....i hate myself... Edit: and i know that their developing a game, it just hasn't been released yet. Edit 2: The name of the game is "Orchestra: The Brass Fate"
The smoke coming out of his fingers makes me imagine he uses that to attack, it’s form and shape changes as he plays. Slashing and steering at you as he skillfully dodges your blows while busting out some sick tunes.
I know like 2 other people will see this, but this whole tuba as helmet inspired me to make a whole Dnd campaign consisting of 4 kingdoms, percussion, winds, brass, and strings, utilizing magical instruments that mimic the old modern technology from centuries past (as in the campaign's world timeline). Dumb looking armor that give great boosts and instruments of mass destruction on par to the nuclear bomb. I seriously owe a lot to the dumb memes and songs for inspiring the dumbest but the most expansive and interesting dnd campaign I've ever thought up of.
Sounds like a great idea. I also came up with a dnd campaign off of something random, but it wasn’t a meme, it was actually a modded terraria boss from the end of the Homeward Journey mod. At the end (SPOILER WARNING), you fight a god, and they’re powerful. I just sat down, went a minute into a playthrough of the video, stopped, and then thought “What if I made a dnd campaign around factions that was based around this god”. I’m now a good way into boss designing, already created the bosses as actual characters with character sheets, have begun setting out music for each, and already have a good 1/4th of the plot written, with speeches from bosses, minibosses, NPCs and some other stuff included. I haven’t even finished the Homeward Journey mod yet.
I know you posted this a year ago but I thought I'd share. All the comments actually inspired a whole ass friend to antagonist for my party, a changeling bard, who wears a mask. Once an orphan, who desired true companionship. All his hopes and dreams broken. So he's committed himself to a life of being no one and everyone at the same time, changing faces and masks as he desires. Always coming up with a new character or role to try to make a new life for himself. Maybe even tricks the party into giving him what he wants, all the while being pretending to be their friend, or someone the party knows. Might even travel with the party a few times as different people. At some point he might even teach the bard of the party his secret song. One that makes him appear anytime it's played. Maybe he even starts to feel something, but all friendships, all relationships are temporary. Not even death is permanent. His true dream, a grand play. One of true tragedy and betrayal. The grand reveal, a final climax where he reveals his one true face and his true intentions, on the ruins of a once grand theater, with the a small troupe of the party's now dead friends, wearing masks and being puppeteered as undead behind masks, which fall as the party kills them to their horror. Meanwhile, Spirit Callers make up his grand ghostly orchestra. A play where it's all about the final standoff, where he is the maestro and the leading role, narrator, and composer. And upon his death, he rises again, as the ghost callers play the familiar tune the bard remembers, as he was in fact a lich the entire time. His phylactery being the tune he's taught to many all over the world, so that he may never truly die, and continue to work his chaos and lies forever more. A grand performance all to please his patron, Cyric, the god of lies, and quite possibly, is Cyric himself.
He's just playing and lazily fighting you and after he hits a certain hp point he drops his instrument, the music cuts out and he starts to take it seriously
@@giveluminacat10nobles21 Nah, this guy is clearly a caster. Its when he stops using his bow as a sword and starts playing that you gotta dodge-spam for 30 mins straight.
@@holysol Don't take it so seriously, its not biggie for them to be vague with their wording. P.S. If you want to know information from someone, you better start by asking politely and sincerely.
I just played in a dnd session where our DM made a boss battle specifically inspired by finding this song. The enemy was some twisted Fae entity who was killing performers at an Opera House because he wanted to be the only performer. We fought on the stage of the opera house and the battle music for this battle was this song put on a loop. He was a level 17 Bard who summoned marionettes to debuff us while he continued playing his song, and he had layer actions to change the tune of his song and apply a debuff to all of us
@@justafriendlycrusader6550 I could, but it would be pretty difficult to actually get. My DM doesn't plan a lot, so the only planned thing was just the premise of fighting the creature and this song being the music and that's it. The actual mechanics of the battle were completely improvised on the spot literally when the battle started and he might not remember what they were exactly lol
Honestly a dark souls like game where its entirely based on musical rythem sounds amazing. On New Game+ all the boss themes and minor enemy themes get remixed while still staying familiar to catch players who lackadaisically go into the fights.
He does AOE attacks often, so you have to hide behind the pillars of his great Hall, and as he goes down the hall, the copies of his sword do piercing attacks that do True Damage, Brass armor is completely negated, since in his past, he fought is the great orchestra war against the King Tuba II, his only weakness are the very pillars you use for protection, having to cut the wires in them, at 50% HP, he starts to send high notes beams that are tricky to evade and do 50% of your hp damage, you can reflect it, but the Boss teleports before he is touched by his own attack
Arguably the best character in the game. I love his comment on when you have the violin equipped in his fight. I think it was something like "Oh? A fellow musician I suppose? Well then, let us see who has truley mastered this beautiful instrument. En garde!" if I'm not mistaken.
@@kaidearc8159 I actually went back to the game and it's depending on the run that you're doing. Which is interesting as not a lot of the characters change what they say depending on the run aside from the cacophony run. Personally the Symphony run is over played
@@tylerpoppele4558 There are meme pictures of what could be called "Bosses of Real-Life": a tarantula with a wizard cap on near a stick that looks like a wizard staff, a man wearing a cone of his head holding a stop sign, a guy wearing a tuba on his head and holding other brass instruments as weapons, etc. Naturally, people starting composing boss themes for these adversaries.
And as the Fencer kneels, his violin broken on the ground, the great concert hall echoes with his sad laughter. « Thanks for this grand finale! Never have I been so happy to see the curtains fall!» His hands start shattering, and he looks at them as his laugh fades « What a finale... and yet nothing. Not even one applause... Isn’t it ironic? » You turn around and rise your hands before clapping. The sound resonates through the room and the Fencer raises his head to you as he continues to slowly dissolve into a black smoke that whistles a sad melody. He looks at you, and though the eyes of his mask are empty, a shiny tear drops from the emptiness of his gaze. And as he finally fades, he whispers softly: « Thank you, for this last performance. » The smoke starts swirling as its whistle grows more and more intense. It gathers in a spiral of strings, that flies to the broken violin and rises it in the air, as the sad melody becomes stronger and stronger. The melody fades, as the violin descends into your hands, reforged and vibrating with a sad tone. Through the now opened doors, the Tuba King's castle wails its sad and twisted symphony on the horizon. You open you eyes as your hand grips the instrument. Now, it’s time for your own finale.
Some things can only exist in text. This scene animated or even narrated could never bring the beauty and essence that a well written piece of text like this can.
“I do hope you enjoy the performance. It shall be that last thing you hear…” That line gave me chills first time playing. Probably the most menacing character in the game.
I'll be honest, when I first heard this, I wasn't super impressed, but... it kept getting randomly stuck in my head. So I kept coming back to listen to it, and now it's one of my favorites!
@@poptart-gj9ih He's a boss in those, but he also appeared as an NPC in The Legend of Orchestra and he's a playable character in Tuba Heroes. He had cameos in a couple other games too. He is actually one of the characters that appears the most in the Tuba Series.
Title: "You wanted this". Me: "Did I really?" *clicks on the video because the picture looked cool* Video: Me: "Yeah I did. Now I'm hooked to the instrument kingdom meme story. Thx."
*"You did what you had to do my friend.. Keep fighting and keep my swan song alive... I-I must leave this place, stage right.."* Such a moving last dialogue by such a badass character.
@@nappingturtle6990 Yeah, its from chapter five of their book "A string away from death" Nah, it aint from nowhere, I just made it up. I create quotes in my free time
So what I've been collecting: He hates having his recitals getting interrupted. He stays in the middle of a forest, practicing his song day and night. His strenght comes from the deathly howls of the fallen. He's a lone fighter, and rumors of warriors meeting their demise under his hand has spread all over town. Every single note he plays has his raw emotion engraved onto it. What a savages boss
@@colony8286 There isn't a game. The internet creates stories and world building out of art pieces with medieval music slapped onto them. But no actual game where they originate. It was just a funny guy dressed in instruments that turned into this epic story that nobody has experienced
@@samuelevans738 after the battle you could see an empty corpse, without any signs of life The master was seeing this with disappointment since inside he thought that this person could give him the work he was looking for so much in his life. A masterpiece. A requiem from the heart The master: uh I thought that maybe, just maybe we would have been a great duo... but in the end you just hear a solo resonating for centuries and for centuries
A sword master using his sword aura in tune with music after years of mastery. The violin of twisted fate echoing the cries of hope. This is a foe that is beyond you. Roll for initiative.
"This stage is beneath my talent, but I shall elevate it" "I will bring them an opera of death" "Sing for me!" "My talent justifies all actions" "Dance for me" "I... orchestrate death" "I live for the applause, you will die for it" "Start the music. I will make them dance" "My critics are... usually short-lived" "They will dance, they will sing, they will die!" "I offer an exclusive service. You'll find I murder the competition" when fighting a bard: "You should learn the power of silence" "You lack imagination" "Your work will be forgotten. I am ahead of my time"
"I swear each performance is the last, but I lie every time. In truth I can't live without the euphoria of preforming. That delightful moment when the curtain goes up."
I found this song when I was stressed, project deadlines were in a few days and I had trouble trying to get the work done, when I found this song and listened to it I was able to haul my a** and get the projects done. I didn't want this song, I needed it : )
I loved the scene were he and his orchestra army played while heading into battle each new part added as more and more soldier's feet hit the ground. Truly grand.
"He had a name once, long ago. Doesn't matter what it was anymore; his enemy left him to burn away, the only one who could really rival his musical prowess. Time forget about him as the flames lapped at him, ripping pieces of him away into the void. The show, however, went on; the Violinist arose from the flames, his heart beating and his strumming arm ready to play. It's said that for uncountable years, he's roamed the world, looking for the one who stole the ultimate prize from him, the one who would hear his final song, one he's been preparing to play for centuries." "You may call me crazy, but I saw that well dressed burned man with my own two eyes. He stood alone, in a quiet field, strumming away as if the world couldn't hear him. Practicing that same song he's been practicing for all these years."
can u extend more on the ultimate prize experienced game dev and i wanna make a fan game for like 2023 i am using all these coments and tying pieaces toether ur backstory is full of mysteroes and i love it but i wanna know a bi more about that
I'd just like to let you know, that along with the music itself, this comment started a couple hours of theory crafting with my BF to make a Warlock Subclass for D&D called "The Stringmaster." I've added the comment into the background for the Patron, which is the creator of the Warlocks. Thank you for inspiring some much needed creativity in me!
This randomly showed up in my home page at the perfect time and helped me over a writing hump. I’m helping a friend build a universe for an RPG she’s running with an existential horror theme, and this INSPIRED me. I did indeed want this.
Dude, I know this is kinda strange cuz we dont even know each other, but i would really love to hear what have you two created. Actually i'm writing a rpg too, trying to do my best at the horror theme. Just think we could trade some inspiration. (also, sorry about my english)
@@GabrielSouza-mg9si don’t ever apologise for doing your best to speak a second language! and your English is fine anyway :) I’m also curious to hear about and RPG horror themed ideas!
@@clutterbot7279 oh, thx dude, you're so nice :) If you want I can kinda tell you some things I've wrote (I'm not actually a good writer so is not that much of a thing). Also, idk how you foreigns do to talk each other (were I'm from we usually do WhatsApp but i know it isn't everywhere)
I'm writing something similar, inspired by DnD but not completely following its rules. Currently got the entirety of the main story planned out but still gotta work on side quests and stuff and I want those to feel as polished as possible with their own likeable characters so music like this really helps.
"Man and music have been in tandem since the first bonfire but rhythm and melody have been around since the first waves crashed on primeval shores. Where do you think the world learned this?" "I am the one fiend symphony. Enjoy my concert." Paired with the ominous silence during the interaction and the world slowly getting more and more corrupted with every press, chills when I read that text. What an atmosphere this game has.
I can’t help but feel like that this should be some super-emotional fight against a better-than-average party member that’s been with you for most of the game.
I love the indicator for the most replayed part being a straight ascent, meaning people are immediately putting it back to the beginning as soon as it ends!
[Scene 1] - After finally defeating Overlord Tuba in his Throne Room, he gives you a slight chuckle. Before completely bleeding out, he gives you an ominous warning. ------------------ Overlord Tuba: “You’ve done well...I wasn’t expecting you to play a variety of instruments at once. I will admit that your skill is something to be reckoned with. However...the only reason I tried to conquer the entirety of The Land of Instruments was so that I could...so that I...could...” You, the Player: “So that you could what? Thrive off each individual instrumental nations riches? To use them in an attempt to further your own agenda? Well think again, I will NOT let you have you way!” Overlord Tuba: “No...! You fool....I needed....a catalyst...” You, the Player: “What? What nonsense are you spouting, you tyrannical beast?” Overlord Tuba, beginning to lose consciousness: “ We of the Tuba required a catalyst...one of gigantic proportions....so that we could....” You, the Player: “So that you could what? Out with it already!” Overlord Tuba: “So that we could seal him...” ------------------ [Scene 2] - As Overlord Tuba quietly passes, you noticed the sound of insurmountable fear within his voice. Suddenly, you hear concrete walls shifting, as you notice that contraptions have moved Overlord Tuba’s throne to the side, revealing a hidden passage. You tread down this passage out of curiosity, following a staircase leading only straight down. Once you reach the end of said staircase, you find yourself in what seems to be a room. A wide one, seemingly resembling a black void, with candles lighting the middle of the room. As you step towards the candles, the contraption seals your entrance shut, and you hear what you can narrow down to be a Violin. ------------------ You, the Player: “No...no that can’t be. The instrumental empire of Violins was wiped out years ago! Their Emperor resorted to the Dark Arts, committing a nation-wide genocide. There shouldn’t be any Violinists left...” Mysterious Voice: “So....you finally killed that old buffoon? Good on you. Though, what I’m about to do to you won’t be as good. Matter of fact, I don’t think you’ll like it. Actually, no. No, you won’t like it one bit.” You, the Player: “What? Who are you! Show yourself at once!” Mysterious Voice: “Who am I? Wait how long has it been? I’m sure the tale of my mass genocide was only a few years back, no? *sigh* Since this room will be your tomb, it would be rude not to introduce myself... ------------------ [Scene 3] - After hearing those words, the room suddenly glows with an eerie shade of purple, and you notice a silhouette standing in the middle of the room. Again, you hear the sound of a Violin, but now, the tune is seemingly distorted. As you attempt to approach the silhouette, you hear the voice once more. Mysterious Voice: “ I am the beginning, as well as the end. All instruments are inferior to the Violin, however....the Violin itself becomes a boring instrument after hearing the same tune for so many eons. Let me show you what adding a little twist of the Dark Arts can do to spice things up!” |\ [ The Twisted Song ] Secret Encounter - Mad Emperor Lucifero! /|
“My melody is as painful to my enemies as soothing to my allies, let the devs that be have a concert trying to balance my meta without angering the critics or my fans"
He stood upon the dusty marbled floor, the collapsed roof giving way for the bright moonlight, striking the figure's mask, glinting the golden embroideries and linings of his armor, complimenting his white gloves and black torso, he breaks off from his trance, seemingly fully engrossed in his art, the pulling and pushing of his bow, resembling that of a fencer's sword, he would stop entirely, looking up at you, he cocks his head to the side, amused, he stepped forward, continuing his piece, malice seeping from the smile adorning his mask, shifting his body in what can be described as robotic, you pull away your cloak from the scabbard, resting your hand upon the black hilt of your longsword, vengeance for House Bumor is now.
"Ah, so you've chosen. You're no mongrel percussionist; any troll can beat a drum or tinkle a triangle. Dullards love the brass, but they are a cacophonous din to us. And the woodwinds: all they blow is hot air. But here, here we strike our glory, pluck our victory, and bow the rest to us...but I suppose I shall show you firsthand. You may not like it, but never forget, you wanted this."
“And so we dance,” The entity hummed, mask ever twisted into a face-splitting smile. You tighten your grip on your weapon, and they play a warning chord as they laugh, “I’ve been waiting for this moment, [Player]. This is what you’ve trained and climbed for, yes? You’ve defeated them all-everyone in the Brass Kingdom. Now there is only me. Only us. So won’t you dance with me?” A quick succession of chords, a few grazing the tips of your armour. It stings in a strange way, but you cannot stop to look at it now. This new foe is merciless. Their shadowy form is illuminated only by the candles on the wall and the light of their violin. You tense, throwing a few attacks of your own. The only thing you can think of is your fallen friend as they dodge and swivel around your attacks as if it was nothing. Yet the moment one grazed their shoulder, you heard a deep snarl-but it wasn’t from the entity. They winced as if in pain before regaining their composure. “You truly are a burden, [Player]. Not even strong enough to save your dear friend,” the Violin Fencer hissed. Your grip tightened. The dance seemed to stretch on for days, weeks. Yet the Violin Fencer never stopped, always regaining their composure when you landed a hit. But as the fight went on, you suddenly saw something... strange. Their attack patterns, their snarky remarks... “Why!?” The Violinist snarled as you landed a powerful attack. “Why can’t you just _die!?”_ A succession of chords like you’d never seen. There was no way you could dodge them all. Collapsing, your weapon clattered to your ground as the Violin Fencer towered above you. Their hand descended to deal the final strike, the final chord-and they reeled backwards. Barely able to life your head, you saw the bow levitating and the freed hand clawing at the smiling mask. Muffled cries of pain that seemed so familiar-and then you saw their face. “[Player]!” Screamed the face of your friend, drenched in sweat and flashing in and out of the shadowy Violin Fencer. You could do nothing but stare as reality crashed down upon you. Their eyes were wide and frantic, edged with dark red-black that closed in by the moment-corruption. “Please! You must end this! End it _now!_ I can’t hold it off for much long-“ They snapped back in as fast as they had emerged, and the Violin Fencer stared down at you with those empty black eyes. Of course. The Violin Monarch’s champion-their most favoured warrior. It was _them._ But why? Why _THEM?_ The Violin Fencer Tilted their head to the side for a moment before looking down at you. “Ah, it seems our little dance must have a small intermission,” they grinned. You could hear it now. You could hear your friend’s distorted voice inside of that... monstrosity. They bowed gracefully as they backed away. “We shall meet again, dear [Player].” In a snap of darkness and a violent chord, they were gone. You did not get up. Your friend-your best friend that had been with you since you were laughed at, mocked for this dream-was corrupted and twisted into this... nearly invincible monstrosity of a Violin Fencer. They were feared. They were infused with the darkness called corruption. Your dearest friend was Fallen. And there, on the floor of the dungeon, you broke.
Name: Corrupted Violin Fencer HP: 126,200,000 Defense: 5 100% HP Phase 1 - Preface: He deals light symphonic damage while buffing minions around him. Rather easy though still a bit of a hassle with the minions easily being able to overwhelm you if you do not handle them correctly. He moves around and helps as many minions as he an. 75% HP Phase 2 - Section A: He starts to deal waves of damage and stops summoning minions as he destroys cover and charges using his bow. His speed increases dramatically. His waves of sound will do minor damage though will eat away at defense very quickly. His charge attacks are the highest part of his damage and do 50-60 damage per hit. Minions will try to hit you a few at a time though will steer clear when he is about to charge. 50% HP Phase 3 - Cadenza: Minions will slow you as he starts to charge more rapidly now dealing 70-80 damage per strike. The charges will have less of a charge time. After a charge unless you are not directly before him he will use his bow to quickly stab and stun you. His sound attacks will be less frequent and do less defense drain. Minions who are caught in his charge will redirect him and die. 25% HP Phase 4 - Coda: He will receive less damage though his dodging will become slower. His charges will start to lead into one another. He can charge three times at most. He will still use his sound attacks though they will do close to nothing. He will start to buff others around him instead and as he loses health he will ready himself for the finale. Finale: 165 damage guarantee. He will play the final chord and will send ten waves at you. Each will follow for about two seconds before going in the way they were going. Encore: If you are at 65% HP or higher he will begin the encore. Where he is the only one on the stage and will send streams of thin bow hairs at you while he heals 25% of his health. Each hair pierces defense and starts eating away at it. He will fire 5-8 of them in quick succession and stop only when he is at one health. You will then have the option to take his violin and gain the artifact if you still have 50% of your health left and if not he will ask you to take his mask as a trophy and vanity item. Either will kill him and set his soul free from the corruption the artifact holds. @BreadMaker gave me the idea for a backstory (use if you like) The God of Magic loved to keep all his power to himself and only share a glimpse of it with the realm of mortals. Whenever the mortals saw it they thought of it as miracles and something that should forever be cherished. One day a mortal came to the gods in search of a way to help his dying village. They scoffed at him and pushed him away. He could not take this for an answer and he was furious. He went back to his village and made a great sacrifice. All three of his children were slaughtered so he could coat himself in the scent of death. He walked along the many trails to the monument of the gods and he found the bridge to where the gods slept for centuries. He walked past the gates and he easily slipped into the home of the gods. The scent of death and hate was a scent that the gods hated and tried to ignore as it was the scent of the God of Death. The God of Death would take their creations away and let them live in the etheral planes. All the gods paid no attention to the man as he walked through the halls. He soon found the holding place of all of the magic in the world. He knew he must kill himself to bring magic to his village. He pulled a portion of the magic and put it inside of himself. He could feel energy bristle through his veins and with the many abilities he was given he quickly traveled down to the village. The village where that he could save. He went to the center and his soul was ripped apart and let magic roam the earth. It found its way into many beings and gods that were visiting the world at the time. He fell to the ground with his body, soul, and mind the only thing anchoring the magic to this world. When the God of Magic awoke he roared in hate and horrible pain. His once precious magic that held the world in his palm was now the plaything of millions upon millions. To punish the mortals he set upon the world a corruption of magic. A place where all magic would wildly destroy the landscape and rip the soul apart. Somewhere where all magic was random. The Wild was the name given to this land of hate and horrors. Many people were caught in the middle of it when it started and it turned them into horrible beings. The very place where magic was released was where it was corrupted. The Violin Fencer, one such resident, was hurt more than others. His mask allowed the once blind and deaf man to see and hear. He was able to play the violin masterfully and so the corruption turned what he loved against him. His friends who had left tried to help him, but he was already over the edge in madness. It consumed him and held him to his death. His violin and bow now grafted to his skin. His mask that brought him joy now only brought suffering and misery. He was no longer the man he once was, he was the Violin Fencer. DND STATBLOCK Name: Corrupted Violin Fencer (CVF) HP: 500 (25d20) AC: 19 Movement: 30 ft. 3 Legendary Resistances Attack (add to hit) +7 (500 HP) Phase 1 Preface: Symphonic Wave Casting Time: Action Effect: In a 30ft. cone everyone must make a dex check with a DC of 15 or take 3d8 thunder damage. On a save take half as much. Call The Orchestra Casting Time: Bonus Action (Reduces movement speed by 10ft. for the round) Effect: Three monsters of challenge lvl. (Party level divided by 2 rounding down) will appear. This spell can only be cast to a maximum of six minions. (375 HP) Phase 2 Section A: -Symphonic Wave does 1d8 though make a wisdom save DC 12 or lose 1d4 AC (until CVF's next turn) -Movement increases to 45ft. -Can no longer use Call The Orchestra -Can use Charge Charge Casting Time: Action Effect: In a burst of light and speed the CVF will charge forwards moving through enemies and allies alike dealing 2d6 piercing damage to anyone in the way. The charge has a range of 30 ft. (CVF cannot move after a charge). The last person that was hit must make a str. check or fall prone. (250 HP) Phase 3 Cadenza: -half all damage taken -AC drops to 14 -Minions can grab and grapple party members -Charge now does 3d6 piercing and 1d4 radiant -If a party member is knocked prone by his attack or one is right in front of him he will proceed to do three attacks each dealing 2d4 slashing (125 HP) Phase 4 Coda: -Can use three charges in one turn though will not be able to use charge at all for his next two turns -can use Crescendo -The music will swell Crescendo Casting Time: Action (-10ft. of movement) Effect: All remaining minions heal 4d8 health and gain advantage on all attacks (1HP) Phase 5 Finale: -deals 2d8 damage to all players in a 20 ft. cube -All minions die -roll a d20 if higher than 14 the Encore will occur Encore (Heal 9d8 health) -Uses Magic Missile at third level (7 darts) and each one deals 1d6 damage. Treasure: The Corrupted Violin: With the use of 1 4th lvl. spell slot you can use Symphonic Wave Mask Of The Great Musician: A Porcelain mask that leaks black smoke from the eyes. (cosmetic) +4 to intimidation
@@omnishangout747 Name: Corrupted Violin Fencer (CVF) HP: 500 (25d20) AC: 19 Movement: 30 ft. 3 Legendary Resistances Attack (add to hit) +7 (500 HP) Phase 1 Preface: Symphonic Wave Casting Time: Action Effect: In a 30ft. cone everyone must make a dex check with a DC of 15 or take 3d8 thunder damage. On a save take half as much. Call The Orchestra Casting Time: Bonus Action (Reduces movement speed by 10ft. for the round) Effect: Three monsters of challenge lvl. (Party level divided by 2 rounding down) will appear. This spell can only be cast to a maximum of six minions. (375 HP) Phase 2 Section A: -Symphonic Wave does 1d8 though make a wisdom save DC 12 or lose 1d4 AC (until CVF's next turn) -Movement increases to 45ft. -Can no longer use Call The Orchestra -Can use Charge Charge Casting Time: Action Effect: In a burst of light and speed the CVF will charge forwards moving through enemies and allies alike dealing 2d6 piercing damage to anyone in the way. The charge has a range of 30 ft. (CVF cannot move after a charge). The last person that was hit must make a str. check or fall prone. (250 HP) Phase 3 Cadenza: -half all damage taken -AC drops to 14 -Minions can grab and grapple party members -Charge now does 3d6 piercing and 1d4 radiant -If a party member is knocked prone by his attack or one is right in front of him he will proceed to do three attacks each dealing 2d4 slashing (125 HP) Phase 4 Coda: -Can use three charges in one turn though will not be able to use charge at all for his next two turns -can use Crescendo -The music will swell Crescendo Casting Time: Action (-10ft. of movement) Effect: All remaining minions heal 4d8 health and gain advantage on all attacks (1HP) Phase 5 Finale: -deals 2d8 damage to all players in a 20 ft. cube -All minions die -roll a d20 if higher than 14 the Encore will occur Encore (Heal 9d8 health) -Uses Magic Missile at third level (7 darts) and each one deals 1d6 damage. Treasure: The Corrupted Violin: With the use of 1 4th lvl. spell slot you can use Symphonic Wave Mask Of The Great Musician: A Porcelain mask that leaks black smoke from the eyes. (cosmetic) +4 to intimidation Pls Cite Me
"Come! Dance with me, my dear! Tonight we grace our audience with a dance of blood and steel! For now, the end of your final act draws near as my performance reaches its climax! I couldn't ask for a more perfect dance partner!"-This guy while fighting against his rival on the roof of a burning theater
"We shall create a duet the likes of which has never, and shall never be seen again, with a grand finale that leaves the audience roaring an encore that shall never come!"
He does spins around his Great, dimly lighten dusty and grey hall that once vibrated with gold, silk and life, but is now corrupt, cold and forgotten, it once resembled the great piece of the orchestra world, but now, all that remains are memories and the violinist, that plays once more, but instead of bringing life and happiness, it brings death and sorrow, all that hears his music, are destined to die, the only way of breaking such curse, is defeating him, there is no escape, othen than either fighting, or dying trying
the Violin Fencer, bodyguard to the Tuba Lord, encountered early in the adventure, but only fought about halfway through the adventure. the first encounter is when you are cornered by the Tuba Lord and his entourage, as they seek to take your part of the Apocalypse Symphony, the treasure entrusted to your protection by your grandfather. the Tuba Lord blasts his horn at you, incapacitating you, and the Fencer walks up, and takes the sheet music from you, before striking you unconscious with the pommel of his blade. the second encounter is during your first assault of the Tuba Lord's castle. you enter the throne room of the Tuba Lord, expecting to find him sitting in his throne, but the room is empty, save for a lone figure standing in the center of the room. the Fencer, unspeaking,playing a repeating melody on his violin. as you approach, the melody builds to a crescendo, and the Fencer begins his duel with you. his movements are perfectly executed, though predictable. timing and precision are needed to defeat this boss. he performs lunges, stabs, parries, and ripostes, starting with a different melody, and ending each successful blow with a flourish on his violin. countering his sword strikes is possible, by swinging your weapon as he trills, but mistiming leaves you open to his counter attack. it is possible to dodge his lunges, and attack while he is over extended. the main method of defeating this enemy is by baiting a parry, delaying your attack, and striking him while he is playing the melody of his next attack. when defeated, he sheathes his sword, congratulates you on your skill with a simple bow, and as he rises, turning into dark smoke, a secret passage in the rear of the throne room opens. ---- this enemy can be fought again before the finale, by visiting the royal graveyard, locating his tombstone, and striking it with a rapier. this version of the Fencer is more difficult, as he periodically teleports behind you in a puff of smoke, and as he summons several smaller Viola Rogues, who charge you. if this battle is successful, as part of the final battle, the Violin Fencer is added to your ensemble. you can invoke his power for 5 seconds, causing his spirit to riposte any attack made against you.
"Music creates order out of chaos: for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous. Its from this certainty that I emerged onto this reality."
*”and for that, I’m afraid, you will be brung out of it”* the entity says, drawing its weapon towards your neck The music rises as you two draw your weapons “Let’s give the audience symphony none will ever forget”…
Fencer:"Look, Conductor. Your sheet music lies shredded! Your tempo, disrupted! Your orchestra is left off beat and struggling before my song! What say you now?!" Conductor: *raises the Wand of Sound* "You are mistaken, Fencer. I have no orchestra. I have no sheet music nor constrictung tempo to follow. Tell me, Fencer of the Violin Kingdom. Tell me how I make music with naught but this simple wand. Ah, but you can not as you only hear the sound of your violin. For that, I pity you, Fencer. I pity you for you can no longer hear the music. Remember, old friend, that a new Conductor shall rise in my place, one with more ideas, creativity, and genius than I could ever possess. On that day, those like you, corrupted by Rust and Rot, shall be brought down by their great Symphony. Now, end me, Fencer. End me so that Fate may play her tune for this broken world."
This needs to be saved and reposted to the wiki. I want to hear this line delivered in the game with all of the passion and sincerity the Conductor's VA can muster.
“Come friend and foe, it's time to start the show, As the curtains rise, there shall be a prize. Within the shadows, where secrets entwine, Whispers of chaos, a symphony malign. Through deceit's dance, our fate we shall bind, Each note a dagger, in the dark, we'll find. For the stage is set, and illusions we weave, In the theater of darkness, where none can perceive. Enemies tremble, allies deceive, As the final crescendo, our triumph shall achieve. So, heed the call, embrace the eerie glee, In this macabre ballad, where doom finds its key. Now arise, for it is time for the last melody, so that you may remember me.”
This music lets you know that this is not fighting with everything he has, almost as if being a corrupted ghost of hellish desires wasn't a reason to stop being a gentleman. He's giving you a chance to survive, to scape a fate just like his, but his mercy doesn't mean that he will regret turning your flesh into ashes. He will defend his master, the Tuba King, from anyone that is irrational enough to disobey his greate order. Both in life and death, they are the closest of allys, and no demonic curse will breake his loyalty. And so he stands pround in his lord corrupted court, following the eternal promise of being his right hand man, helping him make the world his kingdom and turning any who denys into dust for the wind to disperse.
I can imagine this as a DnD Character. "A Strange man, wearing a sinister mask appears before you. A Golden embellishment depicting an eagle wearing a crown with an embedded red gem adorns the center of his forehead, under it a pure white mask with slits for his eyes and mouth, the ends tapering up into the bottom of his eyes. You cannot see deeper into it, and the mask wraps around his entire head. He wears a regal outfit, a black and blue suit with army regalia of a noble. Wearing white gloves, he reaches for a sword in the scabbard at his side, drawing a blade that looks dull, but as he draws it futher out you see that the blade quickly turns into a violin's bow. He reaches behind his back and bows, staring directly at you. From behind him, he appears to grab a violin, burned and charred, but still in one piece, red blood stains on the chassis. You notice the tips of his gloves over the strings are torn, but rather than his fingers you see black smoke. He pulls the instrument up to his chin and draws a long, sullen note, which causes him to become enveloped in this same inky blackness, lifting himself up into the air, and all you feel is an overwhelming sense of dread as he begins to float towards you."
His one of his entries is so epic bro like he says "my song my weapon, this audience my army, and you my friend? You Are my opponent" that just fire 🔥🔥🔥.
@@pancakes4552 all lore is undecided. Im writing a book about this dude. Im going to buff him in some ways to make him the most mysterious and feared villain to the brass empire
"Well well well, Maestro. We meet at last. I've heard tales of your accomplishments, and I must say, I'm impressed. You singlehandedly took down the entire brass section. But you and I both know that anyone could have done that. They've always been pretty small in the brain department. Real warfare is conducted on strings. Come forth, Maestro. Are you ready to have a dance with death?"
@@stimpakzz6748 Nope. It's literally just a massive meme community of people making instrument bosses. I have heard rumors that someone's trying to turn it into an actual game, which would be hype
"We both know that the brass section lacks subtlety and that the wind section lacks direction, but the strings, *oh the strings*, you shall learn that the strings *can do anything...*"
"Good music invokes emotion, great music invokes power. And unfortunately for you, I am the greatest of all" The shadowy violinist says in an almost cheerful tone as he takes a low bow. Looking at you the cold smile of his mask and eyes as dark as the pit bore into you, filling you with fear and dread.
It's actually insane how you can just fight this guy right at the start of the game if you talk to and exhaust the rest of the old man's dialogue then chose the fencer option "The fencer? Hmm not much is really known about them but I don't quite like him. He's too... Verbose." "Oh I much prefer the term grandiloquent myself." Best surprise boss intro of all time
The part that sent me over the edge is the start of the second phase. "Bravo! Bravo! My, oh my, what a performance. Do you hear the cheers!? Do you hear the cries for more!? Give the audience what they want!? ENCORE!"
*Has absolutely 0 idea of what the tuba meme is* *See's this in recommended* "Oh you're damn right I do" *Click* (You have entered a hidden rabbit hole!)
"You wanted this."
Me: I did?
Me 8 minutes later: I did.
„I didn’t want or ask for this, but I sure as hell needed it. “
No one informed me of my own opinion and that is not fair… just because I agree that doesn’t make it ok
@@Or_is_it_spelled_Charlie your not wrong
Да. Я тоже.
Title: You wanted this
Me: I’ve never met this man in my entire life
We all know you still wanted this
"I don't even know who you are."
Are you complaining?
And yet we both clicked this link anyways.
"I never hurt anyone. It is the performance that kills."
@Simon angeles yeah :D saw alot jhin quotes and used one i saw more fit in this
@Juris Angeles I want to like your comment but it has 4 likes...
You could say it was a ... KILLER performance! I'll find the door by myself , no need to worry
Everyone, clap the chosen one, for he has sacrificed himself for us. Praise be our savior!
(Thunderous clapping in the background)
@@stedysteelsted9174 the corrupted violinist could be jhin himself
"With a heavy heart, I must say... This will be our last performance together. Hold your instruments close because this opera will not end until one of us can't play anymore."
“Every symphony could be your last. Please, give me your greatest performance and I will do the same. One of us will have to write a greater melody tomorrow.”
My favorite mechanic of the fight is how it can technically go on forever! After you beat him, the on looking crowd starts to shout, "Encore! Encore! Encore!" and if you don't find the way to silence them, he gets back up and the fight begins again.
@@Chrosteelliumdamn I never realised that, kinda goes insane with perma-buff builds ngl
Somehow this remind me with Brook from one piece
Seems like when you fight jhin in the MMO
I like to imagine people see this and scroll into the comments, only to find that people are talking about some game that doesn’t exist that confuses the hell out of them
Someone is actually making a game though, and it pleases me greatly.
@@daleksek5780 fr?
@@daleksek5780 Who?
I actually am very confused yes yes
If some one really did it he has to be added by everyone who hve made any tuba or violin boss theme meme to the discription or pinned comment
everyone before watching: "I wanted this??"
after watching: "I wanted this."
500th replay: "I needed this."
i need 10 hours version HAHA
what game, this just landed in my rec
@@dootjager2596 don't know who your talking to but there is in fact a game being made for this and other similar instrument boss themed meme songs, forgot the name but just search around.
When the bard multiclasses into Warlock
Wouldn't it be some kind of swordsman?
@@jehonthecasual1990 Bard, College of Swords
Fiendish Pact, not Fey. Pact Blade: Your violin belongs to a powerful demon. The rosin bow is deadly sharp. You did indeed sell your soul to the devil to learn how to play.
Bard expertise on intimidation
@@Juanlimiau I mean intimidation is based on charisma and that’s like the bard’s main thing
"The end of the song is always the saddest"
Seeing that on his module after you defeat him is heartbreaking
Indeed. He was such an inspiring villain, he truly pushed the hero to be better.
@@SourSkillit As in, he killed you so much you had no choice but to learn.
@urtoryudyalthraidn6184 to be fair, he did beat my ass a ton, but I meant like story wise.
"what all songs have in common"
"they end"
“Thank you for giving me your finest performance.”
The fact this song exists because someone put a tuba on their head is amazing
The internet is amazing in it's own way
@@deathzone2249 was made because of the meme of the tuba knights
Well, more accurately, the remix, since this song is actually a remix of "Creative" by Button
@@motifity3416 i don't think it is, it just uses the same violin loop.
*Frustration and fury, more destructive than a hundred cannons.*
Thank you for the heart!
@@cartylie335 Thank you for the 30 years wars
Why use one hundret canbons when you can use one glass cannon!
Graevous Injury, palpable fear!
that do descriping almost the whole world, doesn't it?
“Let us string together a ballad of brutality, and the last notes will be your dying breath”
Sounds like the intro to a boss battle
@@purplehatter550 because it is ofc, it’s the side boss Viola Knight’s main theme
@@jacobkleeman8546 ha I get it lol
Epicardo wachin
ruined 420 likes lol
Honestly his intro lines are the best part of the entire fight.
"My foes! My enemies! It is with greatest pride and deepest pleasure, that I welcome you here tonight! So now I invite you to please, relax! Put the swords away! As I proudly present!...
Your demise!"
Chills every time.
Yeah he gives Mettaton vibes from Undertale-
@@AuDHDer_it’s lumiare from beauty and the beast
@@epitaph4606 OHHHHH YES THAT TOO
@@AuDHDer_ mettaton if she (he?... she?...) was terrifying
I was scrolling through RUclips, and I saw a fencer, and a youtuber I didnt know.
"You wanted this"
Did I? Did I want this?
Yes, yes i did
same here lmao
yt algorithm doing its job right lately
eh it ok not best tho
@@MikaHiyako *but did we ask?*
I imagine this would be a hidden and really difficult Boss, that one boss that abuses every single mechanic in the game to make your life hell.
That one boss that needs mastery of all game mechanics but is a really fun fight and good loot droper
Basically, Sans?
This is the kind of boss who yeets you through the entire map even if you do the perfect roll in dark souls
I was moreso thinking a boss that is so good, you save a separate file right before the boss fight so you can come back to it whenever you want.
If you choose a Violin class, then this battle basically acts as a "Dante Vs Vergil" type fight for you, you're both getting hits in, and both of you are enjoying the thrill of this fight, but only one violinist can come out on top.
...Until you reload your save to do it all again.
See I was thinking the opposite, like not the final boss, but rather a secondary villain who somewhat cares for the protagonist, like Malicos from Jedi Fallen Order, and he could occasionally help them in their quest, or be seen in the background of certain gameplay sections, similar to Hornet in Hollow Knight or the G-Man in Half-Life
He would be regretful about having to fight you, but wouldn’t hold back regardless. I can’t tell whether he would fight for a crowd, or alone in a large chamber, but his over the top style seems to give off Alastor vibes from Hazbin Hotel. He could have a sword that could double as a bow for his violin, whether it be built in to an edge of his blade, or it be double edged like Darth Mauls lightsaber, but I could see him fighting with both his bow and violin for flair
Idk man that’s just kind of what I’m getting from him
between the character design, his lore and his battle theme, the Corrupted Violinist was my favorite character in the entire game
What game?
@@4ngelwh4sh0tgun the kingdom of orchestia tubarius II and the tuba kingdom
Dumb boss spams attacks like theres no tommorow
@@thisisahumanlol8255 you need to level up your magic until you get the faze ability then the boss is super easy
I could imagine him as the typical boss that its strangely easy to beat , but once you beat him , he gets up , takes his violin and says "Now lets get the show started",a whole ghost orchestra appears and then he turns intro a barely undefeatable boss
I imagine him more as a boss like Hornet from Hollow Knight, very challenging but also fun to fight and definitely fair.
Yo!!! You can call it his Encore Mode!!
Starts teleports slashing you in match with the BPM. The game has become parry to the beat or die.
This how you discribe JHIN from LOL if he was a boss in some game, this sence will be in his 4th phase with a quarter of his health and 4x stronger
@@youtubeviewer5198so, basically a sekiro?
_"How foolish of you to disturb me when i was enjoying myself. Now let me play the melody of your death in return"_
- *Some random villain who suddenly appeared behind you* -
Uhmmm enjoying myself and and suddenly appeared in my back shouldn't be in the same comment you know?
damn those random villains who suddenly appear behind you...
Lich uses animate dead
Corruption spreads strings attach can you hear it?
The melody of your death oh how wonderfully pleasant it plays.
Truly a mesmoriesing performance.
Now dance with me hero may this be your last performance.
ahh, nostalgia. i remember when i thought he was just gonna be a miniboss or sumn lol. i was not ready for the emotions to come. his death still makes me tear up a bit :,)
"Dance with me, my friend. The crowd awaits. Show them you are worthy of a starring role!"
Hollow Knight
@@MoreLoreThenThereSeems Indeed.
*Proceeds to bow*
Grimm troupe hollow knight.
Hollow knight?
"My instrument is my weapon. Every battle is a song, every war a symphony. And the cries of the fallen harmonize perfectly with every note."
Is that from somewhere...?
@@maxsmith8333 its a quote from this boss
That's beautiful
@@mateusz2099 Oh thanks bro
Are you 12?
"For my final piece, I shall string a bloody melody before you cease."
i deadass thought this was a game because someone on the comment said "between the character design, his lore and his battle theme, the Corrupted Violinist was my favorite character in the entire game" i've been trying to look it up for hours now and i just found out it was just a meme....i hate myself...
Edit: and i know that their developing a game, it just hasn't been released yet.
Edit 2: The name of the game is "Orchestra: The Brass Fate"
Every comment goes along with it
The illusion is maintained amazingly well
Dudes...yall havnt played this game...?
@@honkbrother8000 nice try :P
@@liandre9035dead ass look it up between good and evil.
imagine fighting a violinist and thinking "this is gonna be easy" and then he kicks the fucking shit out of you while playing a masterpiece
Thank you i will in fact imagine it
Reminds me of myself in monster hunter but I’m the one kicking ass and it’s a horn instead
Yeah I hate how his ranged attacks and doll summons speed up randomly and whenever the beat drops he becomes invincible
The smoke coming out of his fingers makes me imagine he uses that to attack, it’s form and shape changes as he plays. Slashing and steering at you as he skillfully dodges your blows while busting out some sick tunes.
Bard life.
Hey guys Jeff from the overwatch team back with another developer update:
We are super excited to announce the addition of a brand new hero....
Imagine if that actually happened
I would go Feral if they gave some kind of actual instrument based hero like this dude
Chronos The Violinist lucio-“ Am I a joke to you?”
Lucio was designed as a DJ from day 1. This is an ascending meme.
overwatch wishes they were this cool
I know like 2 other people will see this, but this whole tuba as helmet inspired me to make a whole Dnd campaign consisting of 4 kingdoms, percussion, winds, brass, and strings, utilizing magical instruments that mimic the old modern technology from centuries past (as in the campaign's world timeline). Dumb looking armor that give great boosts and instruments of mass destruction on par to the nuclear bomb. I seriously owe a lot to the dumb memes and songs for inspiring the dumbest but the most expansive and interesting dnd campaign I've ever thought up of.
I don't even play dnd but that sounds sick af
That's awesome 👌
official, way more then two other people have seen this. that campaign sounds sick, and i dont even play dnd
Sounds like a great idea. I also came up with a dnd campaign off of something random, but it wasn’t a meme, it was actually a modded terraria boss from the end of the Homeward Journey mod. At the end (SPOILER WARNING), you fight a god, and they’re powerful. I just sat down, went a minute into a playthrough of the video, stopped, and then thought “What if I made a dnd campaign around factions that was based around this god”. I’m now a good way into boss designing, already created the bosses as actual characters with character sheets, have begun setting out music for each, and already have a good 1/4th of the plot written, with speeches from bosses, minibosses, NPCs and some other stuff included. I haven’t even finished the Homeward Journey mod yet.
I know you posted this a year ago but I thought I'd share. All the comments actually inspired a whole ass friend to antagonist for my party, a changeling bard, who wears a mask. Once an orphan, who desired true companionship. All his hopes and dreams broken. So he's committed himself to a life of being no one and everyone at the same time, changing faces and masks as he desires. Always coming up with a new character or role to try to make a new life for himself. Maybe even tricks the party into giving him what he wants, all the while being pretending to be their friend, or someone the party knows. Might even travel with the party a few times as different people. At some point he might even teach the bard of the party his secret song. One that makes him appear anytime it's played. Maybe he even starts to feel something, but all friendships, all relationships are temporary. Not even death is permanent. His true dream, a grand play. One of true tragedy and betrayal. The grand reveal, a final climax where he reveals his one true face and his true intentions, on the ruins of a once grand theater, with the a small troupe of the party's now dead friends, wearing masks and being puppeteered as undead behind masks, which fall as the party kills them to their horror. Meanwhile, Spirit Callers make up his grand ghostly orchestra. A play where it's all about the final standoff, where he is the maestro and the leading role, narrator, and composer. And upon his death, he rises again, as the ghost callers play the familiar tune the bard remembers, as he was in fact a lich the entire time. His phylactery being the tune he's taught to many all over the world, so that he may never truly die, and continue to work his chaos and lies forever more. A grand performance all to please his patron, Cyric, the god of lies, and quite possibly, is Cyric himself.
“I shall let the common men dance to my eternal sonata of darkness forever”
Best line in the whole game
what name of the game?
ehh, I think that line was a bit redundant, the fencer already called the sonata eternal.
where is that from
@@slenderbourriquet6677 Eternal Sonata according to google..
@@al-helali This song and the art are original i think it's part of the Tuba King meme/songs that were spread around
"Owls are the only animals in nature that know how to identify talent in man, Flying in silence to not interrump the work of an artist"
I’m sorry but I’m stealing this now…damn that’s good
@@thedreadedscythe4606 credits to beelce
Beelce? Is that you?
"Death should never be quick. It should be an opera."
“life is An Orchestra Many People working in tandem Toleration Is key to Completion But When has that ever work?”
With the pangs of soprano and the scars of Bass, with the follow up of instruments, violins, suddenly death appears, as a man, himself…//
Smile, everyone is watching !
I expect this boss to just parry every hit and until you just stop and he keeps playing the violin menacingly epic
When you accidentally walk into a room and the hidden boss plays his theme song while fighting him.
and you are level 5 and you have armor with very few stats
He's just playing and lazily fighting you and after he hits a certain hp point he drops his instrument, the music cuts out and he starts to take it seriously
@@giveluminacat10nobles21 Nah, this guy is clearly a caster. Its when he stops using his bow as a sword and starts playing that you gotta dodge-spam for 30 mins straight.
@@Hickabooboo Based. Music is the weapon to surpass Metal Gear. Why do you think Lucifer was the Choir Master of Heaven?
When you realize people are putting together a whole ass cinematic universe for these guys
@@holysol Don't take it so seriously, its not biggie for them to be vague with their wording. P.S. If you want to know information from someone, you better start by asking politely and sincerely.
@@holysol yeah what they said
@Holy Sol its a like 500 characters or something and people are making a game called Orchestra: brass of fate or something
@@holysol wtf? Just look in the comments bro
@@holysol perhaps
I just played in a dnd session where our DM made a boss battle specifically inspired by finding this song. The enemy was some twisted Fae entity who was killing performers at an Opera House because he wanted to be the only performer. We fought on the stage of the opera house and the battle music for this battle was this song put on a loop. He was a level 17 Bard who summoned marionettes to debuff us while he continued playing his song, and he had layer actions to change the tune of his song and apply a debuff to all of us
that is awesome, can you ask him if i can borrow it?
@@justafriendlycrusader6550 I could, but it would be pretty difficult to actually get. My DM doesn't plan a lot, so the only planned thing was just the premise of fighting the creature and this song being the music and that's it. The actual mechanics of the battle were completely improvised on the spot literally when the battle started and he might not remember what they were exactly lol
tell him i said it was cool
@@justafriendlycrusader6550 I certainly will, especially since your video was the inspiration for the battle
Honestly a dark souls like game where its entirely based on musical rythem sounds amazing. On New Game+ all the boss themes and minor enemy themes get remixed while still staying familiar to catch players who lackadaisically go into the fights.
yoo imagine his final words
"A melody to die for, yet I deserve no applause."
"May the heavens sing you praises, and a Gentle song of rest old friend"
“My violin is broken, and with it, my body. May I see you in the Grand Symphony carried by the wind… My dear friend, is that you..?”
I'm using this for my D&D villain now thanks
You won't need an encore.....
"What is that melody!"
The title fits him. I can imagine him saying, "Oh, but you wanted this." before killing you
@@saxinator143 I'd be happy to
aedan marr I would absolutely love to!
@@cyanide_latte Thank you. Sadly, now I actually need to make a time table and stick to it instead of slacking my ass off.
@@saxinator143 spooky sword violin masked man story? count me in
@@2Meows Thank you. No promises that it will even turn out decent though.
This should 100% be the insanely hard secret boss
Man this guy appearing on my next session
nope he should be a boss of the game the final boss
@Daniel Wong Y E S
He does AOE attacks often, so you have to hide behind the pillars of his great Hall, and as he goes down the hall, the copies of his sword do piercing attacks that do True Damage,
Brass armor is completely negated, since in his past, he fought is the great orchestra war against the King Tuba II, his only weakness are the very pillars you use for protection, having to cut the wires in them, at 50% HP, he starts to send high notes beams that are tricky to evade and do 50% of your hp damage, you can reflect it, but the Boss teleports before he is touched by his own attack
@Daniel Wong but hard af and great mechanics
i like it
Arguably the best character in the game.
I love his comment on when you have the violin equipped in his fight.
I think it was something like "Oh? A fellow musician I suppose? Well then, let us see who has truley mastered this beautiful instrument. En garde!" if I'm not mistaken.
Oh I thought it was: "Ah! A fellow practitioner? Well let's see who gets the encore." But it's been awhile since I last played
@@CryptikSpectre maybe he has different lines? Or maybe his lines are different each time you fight him
@@kaidearc8159 I actually went back to the game and it's depending on the run that you're doing. Which is interesting as not a lot of the characters change what they say depending on the run aside from the cacophony run. Personally the Symphony run is over played
Game name?
@@CryptikSpectreI thought it changes for each new game plus play through up to ng+12?
ok but the fact that this is so cool is just crazy when you think about it
not kids.. they're legends
@@chiko1962 you're right...i'm sorry for understating the legendary tuba men....
Wait, so what is this all about tubas?
I thought it started with the tarantula wizard.
@@tylerpoppele4558 There are meme pictures of what could be called "Bosses of Real-Life": a tarantula with a wizard cap on near a stick that looks like a wizard staff, a man wearing a cone of his head holding a stop sign, a guy wearing a tuba on his head and holding other brass instruments as weapons, etc.
Naturally, people starting composing boss themes for these adversaries.
And as the Fencer kneels, his violin broken on the ground, the great concert hall echoes with his sad laughter.
« Thanks for this grand finale! Never have I been so happy to see the curtains fall!»
His hands start shattering, and he looks at them as his laugh fades
« What a finale... and yet nothing. Not even one applause... Isn’t it ironic? »
You turn around and rise your hands before clapping. The sound resonates through the room and the Fencer raises his head to you as he continues to slowly dissolve into a black smoke that whistles a sad melody. He looks at you, and though the eyes of his mask are empty, a shiny tear drops from the emptiness of his gaze.
And as he finally fades, he whispers softly:
« Thank you, for this last performance. »
The smoke starts swirling as its whistle grows more and more intense. It gathers in a spiral of strings, that flies to the broken violin and rises it in the air, as the sad melody becomes stronger and stronger. The melody fades, as the violin descends into your hands, reforged and vibrating with a sad tone. Through the now opened doors, the Tuba King's castle wails its sad and twisted symphony on the horizon. You open you eyes as your hand grips the instrument. Now, it’s time for your own finale.
That is beautiful 🎻🎻 bravo 🎼
Some things can only exist in text. This scene animated or even narrated could never bring the beauty and essence that a well written piece of text like this can.
Holy crap dude, this is the best lore comment I’ve seen so far
Sup, I'm 69 and I just wanna say...
@@matiasvanuitregt4850 nice
“I do hope you enjoy the performance. It shall be that last thing you hear…”
That line gave me chills first time playing. Probably the most menacing character in the game.
wait is this a real game im so confused what is it called?
@Elliot the dinosaur The choir orchestra fantasy 2
@@Orthantears Brass of fate
@@Orthantears its a fan made idea, not a game. yet.
"Do try to pay attention. After all, what is music without even one to listen?"
I'll be honest, when I first heard this, I wasn't super impressed, but... it kept getting randomly stuck in my head. So I kept coming back to listen to it, and now it's one of my favorites!
I get you man... It was the same for me
"Sir are you aware that you're playing your violin with a sword?"
If you look closely, the sword is actually the violin tool thingy, it has the string on it
@@Dappersworth Bow
@@Enneamorph thankums
Oh shit they are
I just noticed
i acc play fencing and violin. so maybe i do play the violin with a sword. who knows?
I love how his attacks are in perfect sinc with the music, and his character model is actually playing the violin during the fight, such a cool boss.
From what game are they from?
@@filmzindustries the kingdom of orchestia tubarius II and the tuba kingdom
@@poptart-gj9ih He's a boss in those, but he also appeared as an NPC in The Legend of Orchestra and he's a playable character in Tuba Heroes. He had cameos in a couple other games too.
He is actually one of the characters that appears the most in the Tuba Series.
@@urtoryu_dy_althraidn where can you play the game?
@@danielmcardle2929 You can play it deep inside your heart.
Title: "You wanted this".
Me: "Did I really?" *clicks on the video because the picture looked cool*
Me: "Yeah I did. Now I'm hooked to the instrument kingdom meme story. Thx."
Bro same af. youtube comments section is such an underrated community
Happens to the best of us.
Im making models, so i can halp them make a game
Bro, I clicked on this vid, and now I have like 16 songs like this in my playlist
@@alfador. bro the yt comments in the original violin fencer vid r lit
*"You did what you had to do my friend.. Keep fighting and keep my swan song alive... I-I must leave this place, stage right.."*
Such a moving last dialogue by such a badass character.
*stabs you on the back*
"No strings attached, darling"
Damn hitting him with that vicious mockery
ahhhh that's ice cold rocky smooth baby god damn
That made me chuckle!
Congratulations you played yourself
"Alas, I may be corrupt, but my music is as pure as ever"
Is this a quote from somewhere? Because I love this.
@@nappingturtle6990 Yeah, its from chapter five of their book "A string away from death"
Nah, it aint from nowhere, I just made it up. I create quotes in my free time
This song sounds very much like one of the songs on your turn to die
@@Mr_Wolfkin damn, could i get some to steal- i mean, borrow for my DnD campaing?
“Stop old friend the abyss has you!”
So what I've been collecting:
He hates having his recitals getting interrupted.
He stays in the middle of a forest, practicing his song day and night.
His strenght comes from the deathly howls of the fallen.
He's a lone fighter, and rumors of warriors meeting their demise under his hand has spread all over town.
Every single note he plays has his raw emotion engraved onto it.
What a savages boss
what game or show is he from?
@@colony8286 There isn't a game. The internet creates stories and world building out of art pieces with medieval music slapped onto them. But no actual game where they originate.
It was just a funny guy dressed in instruments that turned into this epic story that nobody has experienced
would he be willing to play a duet?
after the battle you could see an empty corpse, without any signs of life
The master was seeing this with disappointment since inside he thought that this person could give him the work he was looking for so much in his life. A masterpiece. A requiem from the heart
The master: uh I thought that maybe, just maybe we would have been a great duo... but in the end you just hear a solo resonating for centuries and for centuries
@@nazza8372 😔😔
A sword master using his sword aura in tune with music after years of mastery. The violin of twisted fate echoing the cries of hope. This is a foe that is beyond you. Roll for initiative.
Nat 1
"This stage is beneath my talent, but I shall elevate it"
"I will bring them an opera of death"
"Sing for me!"
"My talent justifies all actions"
"Dance for me"
"I... orchestrate death"
"I live for the applause, you will die for it"
"Start the music. I will make them dance"
"My critics are... usually short-lived"
"They will dance, they will sing, they will die!"
"I offer an exclusive service. You'll find I murder the competition"
when fighting a bard:
"You should learn the power of silence"
"You lack imagination"
"Your work will be forgotten. I am ahead of my time"
Jhin quotes, nice
i wasn't the onlyone who thought about jhin
@@catalinsava9667 nope, there's quite a lot more jhin quotes in the other comments lol
Ohhh "They will dance, they will sing, they will die!" reminds me of Kindred ("They laugh. And scream! And dance. And flee!")
Sorry im using cosmic jhin xD
"I swear each performance is the last, but I lie every time. In truth I can't live without the euphoria of preforming. That delightful moment when the curtain goes up."
@@Illegiblescream get out with this heresy
@@Illegiblescream THREE!
amazing last words
I found this song when I was stressed, project deadlines were in a few days and I had trouble trying to get the work done, when I found this song and listened to it I was able to haul my a** and get the projects done.
I didn't want this song, I needed it : )
Nice, hope you got a good grade!
sup spearton!
I had the same problem and i faunf this in my recomended
@@VezNan-q1z nice
This song found me again when I needed it again somehow
I loved the scene were he and his orchestra army played while heading into battle each new part added as more and more soldier's feet hit the ground. Truly grand.
"He had a name once, long ago. Doesn't matter what it was anymore; his enemy left him to burn away, the only one who could really rival his musical prowess. Time forget about him as the flames lapped at him, ripping pieces of him away into the void. The show, however, went on; the Violinist arose from the flames, his heart beating and his strumming arm ready to play. It's said that for uncountable years, he's roamed the world, looking for the one who stole the ultimate prize from him, the one who would hear his final song, one he's been preparing to play for centuries."
"You may call me crazy, but I saw that well dressed burned man with my own two eyes. He stood alone, in a quiet field, strumming away as if the world couldn't hear him. Practicing that same song he's been practicing for all these years."
can u extend more on the ultimate prize experienced game dev and i wanna make a fan game for like 2023 i am using all these coments and tying pieaces toether ur backstory is full of mysteroes and i love it but i wanna know a bi more about that
I'd just like to let you know, that along with the music itself, this comment started a couple hours of theory crafting with my BF to make a Warlock Subclass for D&D called "The Stringmaster." I've added the comment into the background for the Patron, which is the creator of the Warlocks. Thank you for inspiring some much needed creativity in me!
@@robarmour5368 This sounds awesome! Would you be willing to share the subclass with the internet when it's finished?
@@gabrielstevens6387 It should be relatively finished in a rough sort of way. We might tweak it a little but if he's fine with sharing it absolutely
@@robarmour5368 I really want to see this
This randomly showed up in my home page at the perfect time and helped me over a writing hump. I’m helping a friend build a universe for an RPG she’s running with an existential horror theme, and this INSPIRED me.
I did indeed want this.
Dude, I know this is kinda strange cuz we dont even know each other, but i would really love to hear what have you two created. Actually i'm writing a rpg too, trying to do my best at the horror theme. Just think we could trade some inspiration. (also, sorry about my english)
@@GabrielSouza-mg9si don’t ever apologise for doing your best to speak a second language! and your English is fine anyway :) I’m also curious to hear about and RPG horror themed ideas!
I would also like to hear more about this idea.
@@clutterbot7279 oh, thx dude, you're so nice :)
If you want I can kinda tell you some things I've wrote (I'm not actually a good writer so is not that much of a thing). Also, idk how you foreigns do to talk each other (were I'm from we usually do WhatsApp but i know it isn't everywhere)
I'm writing something similar, inspired by DnD but not completely following its rules. Currently got the entirety of the main story planned out but still gotta work on side quests and stuff and I want those to feel as polished as possible with their own likeable characters so music like this really helps.
"Ah you have finaly found me. I shall play my finest piece, *Teleports Behind you* For it will be the last thing that you hear"
Келлат Позитивный _nothing personnel kid_
omae wa mou shindeiru
nothin personell kid
Fuck Yeah, I need this game NOW
"Man and music have been in tandem since the first bonfire but rhythm and melody have been around since the first waves crashed on primeval shores. Where do you think the world learned this?"
"I am the one fiend symphony. Enjoy my concert."
Paired with the ominous silence during the interaction and the world slowly getting more and more corrupted with every press, chills when I read that text.
What an atmosphere this game has.
The corrupted violinist basically the op badass side character the casually helps the mc till he gets strong enough to entertain him
"Man or woman, Young or old, My strings are ready and my fingers cold"
so basically hisoka
or aizen
Hisoka but better
This guy should be a playable character just because of his design.
Not a playable character the maestro that you play.
Your armor in the endgame
He should be a hidden boss, you can find once each chapter and by beating him each time you can assemble his armor in the final chapter.
Basically warframe in a nutshell.
Like dlc
Has a darksouls vibe, it’s like you’ve just slain a lord of cinder
I can’t help but feel like that this should be some super-emotional fight against a better-than-average party member that’s been with you for most of the game.
Like dark souls when you murder solaire. Rest in peace buddy.
Praise the sun
Like Serpico vs Guts
I feel like this is a fire emblem reference.
Plot twist: The better-than-average character secretly ends up being OP as fuck
I love the indicator for the most replayed part being a straight ascent, meaning people are immediately putting it back to the beginning as soon as it ends!
“You wanted this”
Me, who has never seen this guy: yeah
S am e
Someone please tell me what this is from
@@chankatime6861 The tuba game meme where each boss battle is a tuba themed villain and every other instrument is a toss up
@@aekambeerbains3966 is it just a meme? The game's not real?
@@chankatime6861 pretty sure
[Scene 1] - After finally defeating Overlord Tuba in his Throne Room, he gives you a slight chuckle. Before completely bleeding out, he gives you an ominous warning.
Overlord Tuba: “You’ve done well...I wasn’t expecting you to play a variety of instruments at once. I will admit that your skill is something to be reckoned with. However...the only reason I tried to conquer the entirety of The Land of Instruments was so that I could...so that I...could...”
You, the Player: “So that you could what? Thrive off each individual instrumental nations riches? To use them in an attempt to further your own agenda? Well think again, I will NOT let you have you way!”
Overlord Tuba: “No...! You fool....I needed....a catalyst...”
You, the Player: “What? What nonsense are you spouting, you tyrannical beast?”
Overlord Tuba, beginning to lose consciousness: “ We of the Tuba required a catalyst...one of gigantic proportions....so that we could....”
You, the Player: “So that you could what? Out with it already!”
Overlord Tuba: “So that we could seal him...”
[Scene 2] - As Overlord Tuba quietly passes, you noticed the sound of insurmountable fear within his voice. Suddenly, you hear concrete walls shifting, as you notice that contraptions have moved Overlord Tuba’s throne to the side, revealing a hidden passage. You tread down this passage out of curiosity, following a staircase leading only straight down. Once you reach the end of said staircase, you find yourself in what seems to be a room. A wide one, seemingly resembling a black void, with candles lighting the middle of the room. As you step towards the candles, the contraption seals your entrance shut, and you hear what you can narrow down to be a Violin.
You, the Player: “No...no that can’t be. The instrumental empire of Violins was wiped out years ago! Their Emperor resorted to the Dark Arts, committing a nation-wide genocide. There shouldn’t be any Violinists left...”
Mysterious Voice: “So....you finally killed that old buffoon? Good on you. Though, what I’m about to do to you won’t be as good. Matter of fact, I don’t think you’ll like it. Actually, no. No, you won’t like it one bit.”
You, the Player: “What? Who are you! Show yourself at once!”
Mysterious Voice: “Who am I? Wait how long has it been? I’m sure the tale of my mass genocide was only a few years back, no? *sigh* Since this room will be your tomb, it would be rude not to introduce myself...
[Scene 3] - After hearing those words, the room suddenly glows with an eerie shade of purple, and you notice a silhouette standing in the middle of the room. Again, you hear the sound of a Violin, but now, the tune is seemingly distorted. As you attempt to approach the silhouette, you hear the voice once more.
Mysterious Voice: “ I am the beginning, as well as the end. All instruments are inferior to the Violin, however....the Violin itself becomes a boring instrument after hearing the same tune for so many eons. Let me show you what adding a little twist of the Dark Arts can do to spice things up!”
[ The Twisted Song ]
Secret Encounter - Mad Emperor Lucifero!
This NEEDS to be cannon
Kaiser Nova you should make a game :v I will play it, this is a masterpiece : D
Comment is majorly underrated if it's original.
Violins rise!!!!!
Bravo! 🌹💸
“My melody is as painful to my enemies as soothing to my allies, You shall face my final symphony. Keep in mind, I won’t play fair”
Excellent wordsmithing there
It`s so true, because during the fight he messes with your controls and even blocks your options menu to keep you from fixing it mid-fight.
“My melody is as painful to my enemies as soothing to my allies, let the devs that be have a concert trying to balance my meta without angering the critics or my fans"
@@gummybear8679 yep
@@gummybear8679 coff coff... Kingdom Hearts superboss... coff coff...
He stood upon the dusty marbled floor, the collapsed roof giving way for the bright moonlight, striking the figure's mask, glinting the golden embroideries and linings of his armor, complimenting his white gloves and black torso, he breaks off from his trance, seemingly fully engrossed in his art, the pulling and pushing of his bow, resembling that of a fencer's sword, he would stop entirely, looking up at you, he cocks his head to the side, amused, he stepped forward, continuing his piece, malice seeping from the smile adorning his mask, shifting his body in what can be described as robotic, you pull away your cloak from the scabbard, resting your hand upon the black hilt of your longsword, vengeance for House Bumor is now.
I love how this is all just one sentence
"Victory is not achived when your enemy is defetead but when there will be no more enemy" was my favorite quote.... truly amazing character
@Cresian Alvaran the violin playing character, no. It’s gotten this far with fan-made creation
To friend a enemy isn't that the same as defeating them 😁 but I really like the way you put as well 💙
@@yoru4055 where can I find the source of these quotes and lore
"Ah, so you've chosen. You're no mongrel percussionist; any troll can beat a drum or tinkle a triangle. Dullards love the brass, but they are a cacophonous din to us. And the woodwinds: all they blow is hot air. But here, here we strike our glory, pluck our victory, and bow the rest to us...but I suppose I shall show you firsthand. You may not like it, but never forget, you wanted this."
Yo that tie in with the title was fucking golden. Good fucking job my guy.
me in ng+ with a grappler's triangle :
yes I did now give me the confine keys so I can get the middle eastern tuning already
don't forget the pianists, too aloof to sound the strings themselves, the corruption of a string
As a percussionist I take great offense at this. You have just insulted my entire people...
but yes.
honestly this is quite the rabbit hole for something that just popped up in my recommended. 10/10
I’m the 69th like and this is weirdly soothing
I mean, one minute I'm casually browsing RUclips, the next I'm neck deep in Tuba lore I didn't know even existed 30 seconds ago.
"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins."
"You wanted this"
Instant click because RUclips algorithm never ceases to surprise me
Omg victor is so cute in your pfp
honestly same, didnt know I needed a new theme song until now
Me: *scrolling down on youtube*
*sees reccomended *
Me: Why do i hear Boss music ?
because you clicked it instantly?
Because you played Boss Music.
because you wanted this
“And so we dance,” The entity hummed, mask ever twisted into a face-splitting smile. You tighten your grip on your weapon, and they play a warning chord as they laugh, “I’ve been waiting for this moment, [Player]. This is what you’ve trained and climbed for, yes? You’ve defeated them all-everyone in the Brass Kingdom. Now there is only me. Only us. So won’t you dance with me?”
A quick succession of chords, a few grazing the tips of your armour. It stings in a strange way, but you cannot stop to look at it now. This new foe is merciless. Their shadowy form is illuminated only by the candles on the wall and the light of their violin. You tense, throwing a few attacks of your own. The only thing you can think of is your fallen friend as they dodge and swivel around your attacks as if it was nothing. Yet the moment one grazed their shoulder, you heard a deep snarl-but it wasn’t from the entity.
They winced as if in pain before regaining their composure. “You truly are a burden, [Player]. Not even strong enough to save your dear friend,” the Violin Fencer hissed. Your grip tightened.
The dance seemed to stretch on for days, weeks. Yet the Violin Fencer never stopped, always regaining their composure when you landed a hit. But as the fight went on, you suddenly saw something... strange. Their attack patterns, their snarky remarks...
“Why!?” The Violinist snarled as you landed a powerful attack. “Why can’t you just _die!?”_
A succession of chords like you’d never seen. There was no way you could dodge them all. Collapsing, your weapon clattered to your ground as the Violin Fencer towered above you. Their hand descended to deal the final strike, the final chord-and they reeled backwards.
Barely able to life your head, you saw the bow levitating and the freed hand clawing at the smiling mask. Muffled cries of pain that seemed so familiar-and then you saw their face.
“[Player]!” Screamed the face of your friend, drenched in sweat and flashing in and out of the shadowy Violin Fencer. You could do nothing but stare as reality crashed down upon you. Their eyes were wide and frantic, edged with dark red-black that closed in by the moment-corruption. “Please! You must end this! End it _now!_ I can’t hold it off for much long-“
They snapped back in as fast as they had emerged, and the Violin Fencer stared down at you with those empty black eyes. Of course. The Violin Monarch’s champion-their most favoured warrior. It was _them._ But why? Why _THEM?_
The Violin Fencer Tilted their head to the side for a moment before looking down at you. “Ah, it seems our little dance must have a small intermission,” they grinned. You could hear it now. You could hear your friend’s distorted voice inside of that... monstrosity. They bowed gracefully as they backed away. “We shall meet again, dear [Player].”
In a snap of darkness and a violent chord, they were gone. You did not get up.
Your friend-your best friend that had been with you since you were laughed at, mocked for this dream-was corrupted and twisted into this... nearly invincible monstrosity of a Violin Fencer. They were feared. They were infused with the darkness called corruption. Your dearest friend was Fallen.
And there, on the floor of the dungeon, you broke.
This was cool as hell to read!
Most impressive
Well shit make my cry and imagine this as a dope ass animation
replace [Player] with just the word player, break the fourth wall in a terrifying way and super cool too.
Why this dont have many likes its so good to read
This video has been floating around on my recommended page for months, maybe years, and NOW I'm listening to it, great music
*[The Bard has had enough with the team's bullshit]*
Say sorry
A whole team fighting a bard is unfair, the whole team is gonna lose
Personally I just had an idea make a neutral evil bard and have them use a violin and when ever you get in a fight turn this on
@uwau bards are scary when you open their full potential
If you guys lose against Bard 1v5. u guys are inting. ff 15
All the Bard has to do is cast Mass Charm and watch the world burn.
Name: Corrupted Violin Fencer
HP: 126,200,000
Defense: 5
100% HP Phase 1 - Preface: He deals light symphonic damage while buffing minions around him. Rather easy though still a bit of a hassle with the minions easily being able to overwhelm you if you do not handle them correctly. He moves around and helps as many minions as he an.
75% HP Phase 2 - Section A: He starts to deal waves of damage and stops summoning minions as he destroys cover and charges using his bow. His speed increases dramatically. His waves of sound will do minor damage though will eat away at defense very quickly. His charge attacks are the highest part of his damage and do 50-60 damage per hit. Minions will try to hit you a few at a time though will steer clear when he is about to charge.
50% HP Phase 3 - Cadenza: Minions will slow you as he starts to charge more rapidly now dealing 70-80 damage per strike. The charges will have less of a charge time. After a charge unless you are not directly before him he will use his bow to quickly stab and stun you. His sound attacks will be less frequent and do less defense drain. Minions who are caught in his charge will redirect him and die.
25% HP Phase 4 - Coda: He will receive less damage though his dodging will become slower. His charges will start to lead into one another. He can charge three times at most. He will still use his sound attacks though they will do close to nothing. He will start to buff others around him instead and as he loses health he will ready himself for the finale.
Finale: 165 damage guarantee. He will play the final chord and will send ten waves at you. Each will follow for about two seconds before going in the way they were going.
Encore: If you are at 65% HP or higher he will begin the encore. Where he is the only one on the stage and will send streams of thin bow hairs at you while he heals 25% of his health. Each hair pierces defense and starts eating away at it. He will fire 5-8 of them in quick succession and stop only when he is at one health. You will then have the option to take his violin and gain the artifact if you still have 50% of your health left and if not he will ask you to take his mask as a trophy and vanity item. Either will kill him and set his soul free from the corruption the artifact holds.
@BreadMaker gave me the idea for a backstory (use if you like)
The God of Magic loved to keep all his power to himself and only share a glimpse of it with the realm of mortals. Whenever the mortals saw it they thought of it as miracles and something that should forever be cherished. One day a mortal came to the gods in search of a way to help his dying village. They scoffed at him and pushed him away. He could not take this for an answer and he was furious. He went back to his village and made a great sacrifice. All three of his children were slaughtered so he could coat himself in the scent of death. He walked along the many trails to the monument of the gods and he found the bridge to where the gods slept for centuries. He walked past the gates and he easily slipped into the home of the gods. The scent of death and hate was a scent that the gods hated and tried to ignore as it was the scent of the God of Death. The God of Death would take their creations away and let them live in the etheral planes. All the gods paid no attention to the man as he walked through the halls. He soon found the holding place of all of the magic in the world. He knew he must kill himself to bring magic to his village. He pulled a portion of the magic and put it inside of himself. He could feel energy bristle through his veins and with the many abilities he was given he quickly traveled down to the village. The village where that he could save. He went to the center and his soul was ripped apart and let magic roam the earth. It found its way into many beings and gods that were visiting the world at the time. He fell to the ground with his body, soul, and mind the only thing anchoring the magic to this world.
When the God of Magic awoke he roared in hate and horrible pain. His once precious magic that held the world in his palm was now the plaything of millions upon millions. To punish the mortals he set upon the world a corruption of magic. A place where all magic would wildly destroy the landscape and rip the soul apart. Somewhere where all magic was random. The Wild was the name given to this land of hate and horrors. Many people were caught in the middle of it when it started and it turned them into horrible beings. The very place where magic was released was where it was corrupted. The Violin Fencer, one such resident, was hurt more than others. His mask allowed the once blind and deaf man to see and hear. He was able to play the violin masterfully and so the corruption turned what he loved against him. His friends who had left tried to help him, but he was already over the edge in madness. It consumed him and held him to his death. His violin and bow now grafted to his skin. His mask that brought him joy now only brought suffering and misery. He was no longer the man he once was, he was the Violin Fencer.
Name: Corrupted Violin Fencer (CVF)
HP: 500 (25d20)
AC: 19
Movement: 30 ft.
3 Legendary Resistances
Attack (add to hit) +7
(500 HP) Phase 1 Preface:
Symphonic Wave
Casting Time: Action
Effect: In a 30ft. cone everyone must make a dex check with a DC of 15 or take 3d8 thunder damage. On a save take half as much.
Call The Orchestra
Casting Time: Bonus Action (Reduces movement speed by 10ft. for the round)
Effect: Three monsters of challenge lvl. (Party level divided by 2 rounding down) will appear. This spell can only be cast to a maximum of six minions.
(375 HP) Phase 2 Section A:
-Symphonic Wave does 1d8 though make a wisdom save DC 12 or lose 1d4 AC (until CVF's next turn)
-Movement increases to 45ft.
-Can no longer use Call The Orchestra
-Can use Charge
Casting Time: Action
Effect: In a burst of light and speed the CVF will charge forwards moving through enemies and allies alike dealing 2d6 piercing damage to anyone in the way. The charge has a range of 30 ft. (CVF cannot move after a charge). The last person that was hit must make a str. check or fall prone.
(250 HP) Phase 3 Cadenza:
-half all damage taken
-AC drops to 14
-Minions can grab and grapple party members
-Charge now does 3d6 piercing and 1d4 radiant
-If a party member is knocked prone by his attack or one is right in front of him he will proceed to do three attacks each dealing 2d4 slashing
(125 HP) Phase 4 Coda:
-Can use three charges in one turn though will not be able to use charge at all for his next two turns
-can use Crescendo
-The music will swell
Casting Time: Action (-10ft. of movement)
Effect: All remaining minions heal 4d8 health and gain advantage on all attacks
(1HP) Phase 5 Finale:
-deals 2d8 damage to all players in a 20 ft. cube
-All minions die
-roll a d20 if higher than 14 the Encore will occur
Encore (Heal 9d8 health)
-Uses Magic Missile at third level (7 darts) and each one deals 1d6 damage.
The Corrupted Violin: With the use of 1 4th lvl. spell slot you can use Symphonic Wave
Mask Of The Great Musician: A Porcelain mask that leaks black smoke from the eyes. (cosmetic) +4 to intimidation
I got curious and press *show more* and appearently george isn't curious anymore
@@Fidious Why? Didn't think you could beat him?
You godda enable the hacks
*thinking how I can use this in dnd*
Name: Corrupted Violin Fencer (CVF)
HP: 500 (25d20)
AC: 19
Movement: 30 ft.
3 Legendary Resistances
Attack (add to hit) +7
(500 HP) Phase 1 Preface:
Symphonic Wave
Casting Time: Action
Effect: In a 30ft. cone everyone must make a dex check with a DC of 15 or take 3d8 thunder damage. On a save take half as much.
Call The Orchestra
Casting Time: Bonus Action (Reduces movement speed by 10ft. for the round)
Effect: Three monsters of challenge lvl. (Party level divided by 2 rounding down) will appear. This spell can only be cast to a maximum of six minions.
(375 HP) Phase 2 Section A:
-Symphonic Wave does 1d8 though make a wisdom save DC 12 or lose 1d4 AC (until CVF's next turn)
-Movement increases to 45ft.
-Can no longer use Call The Orchestra
-Can use Charge
Casting Time: Action
Effect: In a burst of light and speed the CVF will charge forwards moving through enemies and allies alike dealing 2d6 piercing damage to anyone in the way. The charge has a range of 30 ft. (CVF cannot move after a charge). The last person that was hit must make a str. check or fall prone.
(250 HP) Phase 3 Cadenza:
-half all damage taken
-AC drops to 14
-Minions can grab and grapple party members
-Charge now does 3d6 piercing and 1d4 radiant
-If a party member is knocked prone by his attack or one is right in front of him he will proceed to do three attacks each dealing 2d4 slashing
(125 HP) Phase 4 Coda:
-Can use three charges in one turn though will not be able to use charge at all for his next two turns
-can use Crescendo
-The music will swell
Casting Time: Action (-10ft. of movement)
Effect: All remaining minions heal 4d8 health and gain advantage on all attacks
(1HP) Phase 5 Finale:
-deals 2d8 damage to all players in a 20 ft. cube
-All minions die
-roll a d20 if higher than 14 the Encore will occur
Encore (Heal 9d8 health)
-Uses Magic Missile at third level (7 darts) and each one deals 1d6 damage.
The Corrupted Violin: With the use of 1 4th lvl. spell slot you can use Symphonic Wave
Mask Of The Great Musician: A Porcelain mask that leaks black smoke from the eyes. (cosmetic) +4 to intimidation
Pls Cite Me
"Come! Dance with me, my dear! Tonight we grace our audience with a dance of blood and steel! For now, the end of your final act draws near as my performance reaches its climax! I couldn't ask for a more perfect dance partner!"-This guy while fighting against his rival on the roof of a burning theater
"We shall create a duet the likes of which has never, and shall never be seen again, with a grand finale that leaves the audience roaring an encore that shall never come!"
@@epicslayerguy99 i request that this whole comment section becomes cannon to dnd
We shall dance the dance of death and we shall sing the song of pain, in the encore there will only be one left, for I am Mozart and you are Bach.
>And You’re blood will be in my blade
your comment makes me think of grimm from hollow knight
Bro I wished this had sheet music so me and my friend could learn to play it. It’s too good of a song not to learn
A mi me encanta
Well this was made in GarageBand, so Apple could probably turn this into sheet music
What if you got someone to animate this for you.
I never thought of that and now I want to do it
Yay :)
I won't ruin 69th like but you sure deserve it
He does spins around his Great, dimly lighten dusty and grey hall that once vibrated with gold, silk and life, but is now corrupt, cold and forgotten, it once resembled the great piece of the orchestra world, but now, all that remains are memories and the violinist, that plays once more, but instead of bringing life and happiness, it brings death and sorrow, all that hears his music, are destined to die, the only way of breaking such curse, is defeating him, there is no escape, othen than either fighting, or dying trying
gimme a few years and I'll do it XD
the Violin Fencer, bodyguard to the Tuba Lord, encountered early in the adventure, but only fought about halfway through the adventure.
the first encounter is when you are cornered by the Tuba Lord and his entourage, as they seek to take your part of the Apocalypse Symphony, the treasure entrusted to your protection by your grandfather. the Tuba Lord blasts his horn at you, incapacitating you, and the Fencer walks up, and takes the sheet music from you, before striking you unconscious with the pommel of his blade.
the second encounter is during your first assault of the Tuba Lord's castle.
you enter the throne room of the Tuba Lord, expecting to find him sitting in his throne, but the room is empty, save for a lone figure standing in the center of the room. the Fencer, unspeaking,playing a repeating melody on his violin. as you approach, the melody builds to a crescendo, and the Fencer begins his duel with you.
his movements are perfectly executed, though predictable. timing and precision are needed to defeat this boss.
he performs lunges, stabs, parries, and ripostes, starting with a different melody, and ending each successful blow with a flourish on his violin.
countering his sword strikes is possible, by swinging your weapon as he trills, but mistiming leaves you open to his counter attack.
it is possible to dodge his lunges, and attack while he is over extended.
the main method of defeating this enemy is by baiting a parry, delaying your attack, and striking him while he is playing the melody of his next attack.
when defeated, he sheathes his sword, congratulates you on your skill with a simple bow, and as he rises, turning into dark smoke, a secret passage in the rear of the throne room opens.
this enemy can be fought again before the finale, by visiting the royal graveyard, locating his tombstone, and striking it with a rapier. this version of the Fencer is more difficult, as he periodically teleports behind you in a puff of smoke, and as he summons several smaller Viola Rogues, who charge you.
if this battle is successful, as part of the final battle, the Violin Fencer is added to your ensemble. you can invoke his power for 5 seconds, causing his spirit to riposte any attack made against you.
That would be the best video game boss to fight no gonna lie.
Music is magic, but only with "true instruments" can muse (magic music) be used
This is my favorite comment on any youtube video ever
Bro... Wow
Sheet music as a source of a power is fucking genius for this type of world!! Learning new pieces to be unstoppable omg I need this
"And you call yourself a bard? Let me show you how a real minstrel orchestrates an elegy; this one's for you."
"Music has been my life, And it will be your death"
A villain bard!?!? Ho ho HO
"Let the show begin, give me your best performance!"
This entire comment section fills me with inspiration for dnd villains
I do call myself a bard, and I would like to hear what you have!
Playing Dishonored fluidly, without stopping for a single second at maximum concentration, with this in the background... It's a work of art.
"Music creates order out of chaos: for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous. Its from this certainty that I emerged onto this reality."
They have clearly never listened to Frank Zappa
*”and for that, I’m afraid, you will be brung out of it”* the entity says, drawing its weapon towards your neck
The music rises as you two draw your weapons
“Let’s give the audience symphony none will ever forget”…
The cringiest comment I have ever read
Bro this quote is powerful
I'd like to imagine hes your ally throughout the game and always plays the boss music, until he turns and turns into the final boss himself
now that's something I can one-sidedly agree with :)
Not gonna lie that would be an awesome plot twist
as hes watched you fight all the others, he knows the weakness of your fighting style.
@@KillerIntent1 it would be really cool if they coded him to fight differently based on your own fighting style
Nah, he's gotta turn in the first 3rd of the game. That way he can be a recurring boss.
Fencer:"Look, Conductor. Your sheet music lies shredded! Your tempo, disrupted! Your orchestra is left off beat and struggling before my song! What say you now?!"
Conductor: *raises the Wand of Sound* "You are mistaken, Fencer. I have no orchestra. I have no sheet music nor constrictung tempo to follow. Tell me, Fencer of the Violin Kingdom. Tell me how I make music with naught but this simple wand. Ah, but you can not as you only hear the sound of your violin. For that, I pity you, Fencer. I pity you for you can no longer hear the music. Remember, old friend, that a new Conductor shall rise in my place, one with more ideas, creativity, and genius than I could ever possess. On that day, those like you, corrupted by Rust and Rot, shall be brought down by their great Symphony. Now, end me, Fencer. End me so that Fate may play her tune for this broken world."
One of the best comments I ever found
this is so underrated
This needs to be saved and reposted to the wiki. I want to hear this line delivered in the game with all of the passion and sincerity the Conductor's VA can muster.
"Strike me down, and I shall become more powerful than you can ever imagine."
“Come friend and foe, it's time to start the show,
As the curtains rise, there shall be a prize.
Within the shadows, where secrets entwine,
Whispers of chaos, a symphony malign.
Through deceit's dance, our fate we shall bind,
Each note a dagger, in the dark, we'll find.
For the stage is set, and illusions we weave,
In the theater of darkness, where none can perceive.
Enemies tremble, allies deceive,
As the final crescendo, our triumph shall achieve.
So, heed the call, embrace the eerie glee,
In this macabre ballad, where doom finds its key.
Now arise, for it is time for the last melody, so that you may remember me.”
This music lets you know that this is not fighting with everything he has, almost as if being a corrupted ghost of hellish desires wasn't a reason to stop being a gentleman. He's giving you a chance to survive, to scape a fate just like his, but his mercy doesn't mean that he will regret turning your flesh into ashes. He will defend his master, the Tuba King, from anyone that is irrational enough to disobey his greate order. Both in life and death, they are the closest of allys, and no demonic curse will breake his loyalty. And so he stands pround in his lord corrupted court, following the eternal promise of being his right hand man, helping him make the world his kingdom and turning any who denys into dust for the wind to disperse.
Why the heck doesn’t this have more likes
This sounds like how dark chocolate tastes
Why are you right?
@@mr.lazyness4926 Alright. Who's the real Axil Atienza?
Its me! I'm the real one!
I can imagine this as a DnD Character.
"A Strange man, wearing a sinister mask appears before you. A Golden embellishment depicting an eagle wearing a crown with an embedded red gem adorns the center of his forehead, under it a pure white mask with slits for his eyes and mouth, the ends tapering up into the bottom of his eyes. You cannot see deeper into it, and the mask wraps around his entire head. He wears a regal outfit, a black and blue suit with army regalia of a noble. Wearing white gloves, he reaches for a sword in the scabbard at his side, drawing a blade that looks dull, but as he draws it futher out you see that the blade quickly turns into a violin's bow. He reaches behind his back and bows, staring directly at you. From behind him, he appears to grab a violin, burned and charred, but still in one piece, red blood stains on the chassis. You notice the tips of his gloves over the strings are torn, but rather than his fingers you see black smoke. He pulls the instrument up to his chin and draws a long, sullen note, which causes him to become enveloped in this same inky blackness, lifting himself up into the air, and all you feel is an overwhelming sense of dread as he begins to float towards you."
Aaaaaand new Spirits Bard that I'll never get to play has been made.
@@SevenVT12 I keep coming back to this theme and it keeps inspiring new things for my campaign lmao
@@jjfishice2319 Oh it has been my boss theme for every boss that uses a rapier, lmao
a really fucking op bard
aaaaand lemme just yoiiiiiiink that
His one of his entries is so epic bro like he says "my song my weapon, this audience my army, and you my friend? You Are my opponent" that just fire 🔥🔥🔥.
Some say he's was the former ruler of the kingdom of string that had fallen into the abyss never to be seen again.
Then the abyss released him and now he has become the abyss
On Nycto - before the corruption i actually put up a story on there
under David vitek comment.
Coming this Summer 2021 for Xbox One Series X, PlayStation 5, and PC2, “Stryng”
@@pancakes4552 all lore is undecided. Im writing a book about this dude. Im going to buff him in some ways to make him the most mysterious and feared villain to the brass empire
"Well well well, Maestro. We meet at last. I've heard tales of your accomplishments, and I must say, I'm impressed. You singlehandedly took down the entire brass section. But you and I both know that anyone could have done that. They've always been pretty small in the brain department. Real warfare is conducted on strings. Come forth, Maestro. Are you ready to have a dance with death?"
Okay please, what is this from, in all seriousness, I have seen so many different things, is it a game? What is it?
@@stimpakzz6748 Nope. It's literally just a massive meme community of people making instrument bosses. I have heard rumors that someone's trying to turn it into an actual game, which would be hype
@@sniclops15 can confirm, game is called "Orchestra: The Brass Fate", it's in development rn
"We both know that the brass section lacks subtlety and that the wind section lacks direction, but the strings, *oh the strings*, you shall learn that the strings *can do anything...*"
@@epicslayerguy99 I just hope its a 3d darksouls type game (with a bit more flashy colors)
"Good music invokes emotion, great music invokes power. And unfortunately for you, I am the greatest of all" The shadowy violinist says in an almost cheerful tone as he takes a low bow. Looking at you the cold smile of his mask and eyes as dark as the pit bore into you, filling you with fear and dread.
Always nice to hear a song comming from a friendly crusader, even if we haven't met before
It's actually insane how you can just fight this guy right at the start of the game if you talk to and exhaust the rest of the old man's dialogue then chose the fencer option
"The fencer? Hmm not much is really known about them but I don't quite like him. He's too... Verbose."
"Oh I much prefer the term grandiloquent myself."
Best surprise boss intro of all time
What game?
@Owen Kasaboski Dark Kingdom choir
@@ReferToAsQuote fr?
yeah lol, problem is he kills you so fast
Too bad you have to buy the dlc first lol
Choose uniform...
Organize Musicians...
Select movements...
Last call...
*Major Scale Bonus!*
_Enemy's Turn_
[Corrupted Violin Fencer] played "Malicious Creativity"!
Enemy Attack increased!
[Violin Bowman] played "Attack of the Arrows"!
_Orchestra Turn_
"Your life has no meaning, but your death shall be given one with my melody."
I write death on internet
god that's so cool
Sounds like a Jhin quote but im not sure
@@martinoigartua6229 oh god im here specifically because i needed inspiration for a dnd character based off jhin
The part that sent me over the edge is the start of the second phase. "Bravo! Bravo! My, oh my, what a performance. Do you hear the cheers!? Do you hear the cries for more!? Give the audience what they want!? ENCORE!"
this single song has inspired me to make a dnd campaign all around this guy as the main baddy
make him before the final bbeg and make him exploit every single one of the party's weaknesses
I was actually thinking the same thing
Same I’m going to make him a badie I’m thinking a cursed theater that kills it’s audience
So, how is that going?
"The theater of shattered souls" would be a great name for the story!
*Has absolutely 0 idea of what the tuba meme is*
*See's this in recommended*
"Oh you're damn right I do"
(You have entered a hidden rabbit hole!)
@Tikanni got that from the tuba knight, i looked the dude up, AND THERE'S A DAMN WIKI
I just wish it went into the lore of the battle between the tuba king
@@nickieBurke GIVE ME THE WIKI!!!
@@newvampire2861 well theres not much, but there is also a reddit, i'll link ya both
tuba-warriors.fandom.com/wiki/Tuba_Warriors_Wiki and www.reddit.com/r/TubaWarriors/
"You wanted this."
""I don't even know who you are.""
"And You shall die, maestro, without knowing what this power is"
"So let the ballad begin"